Teller Report

Al-Maqdisiya Marah Bakir: I did not stab anyone. And they kissed my mother.

11/24/2023, 6:06:00 PM

Highlights: 16-year-old Jerusalem girl Marah Bakir was shot in the hand by Israeli police. The occupation authorities claim that Marah was carrying a knife in her hand and intending to carry out a stabbing attack against one of the police officers present at the scene. Marah's mother and father were detained for hours for interrogation, and in the interrogation center in the Russian Skopeya, the intelligence tried to inject false evidence to reinforce her version. The family is trying to collect all the testimonies and eyewitness accounts in order to help Marah get out of this ordeal.

When al-Maqdisi tries to evade all forms of danger that surround him, and students naturally go to school looking forward to a better future, the occupation refuses to let the bullets of treachery be on the lookout for these students.

Photo taken by Marah Bakir of herself at her home in Beit Hanina before the incident (Al Jazeera)

Aseel Jundi-occupied Jerusalem

When al-Maqdisi tries to evade all forms of danger that surround him, and students naturally go to school looking forward to a better future, the occupation refuses to let the bullets of treachery be on the lookout for these students.

The uniform and school bag of 16-year-old Jerusalem girl Marah Bakir did not help, but the attempt to liquidate her in cold blood was closer to arriving home and having lunch with her family.

Marah left her school in Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in occupied Jerusalem to take the bus towards her home in the town of Beit Hanina, and as soon as she walked several steps, a policeman quickly fired three bullets on her left hand, knocking her to the ground, and leaving her bleeding before being transferred to the hospital and performing surgeries on her.

The occupation authorities claim that Marah was carrying a knife in her hand and intending to carry out a stabbing attack against one of the police officers present at the scene, and this account is categorically denied by Marah in addition to a number of eyewitnesses who attended at the moment of the incident.

"I got a call from a student in Marah's class telling me that the police shot Marah, I thought she was joking with me at first, and I nervously told her this is not a joke, but she came back and said crying, yes, they shot her for allegedly carrying a knife that she intends to carry out a stabbing attack."

The mother continued, "I had a nervous breakdown, I went out knocking on the neighbors' door asking them to drive me to Marah School, and on the way we got the news that she had been transferred to the hospital, we rushed there but they did not allow me to see my daughter, and the policeman answered me that there is no information about her."

(Reuters) Israeli occupation soldiers do not hesitate to shoot Palestinian children

Marah turned to a defendant and the mother and father were detained for hours for interrogation, and in the interrogation center in the Russian Skopeya, the intelligence tried to inject false evidence to reinforce her version that Marah was intending to carry out an operation already, the mother said, "They brought a bag of fun to the room and took out a new notebook written on three pages of it only."

He wrote the first "Palestine is free, and the second forgive me, my mother, do not remove me I love you very much, and the third do not Zaza, O mother of the martyr wish my mother instead of you", the mother hurried and denied that the notebook returns to Marah and said to the investigator, "This is not my daughter's notebook because it is new and because the line fun of the most beautiful lines that I have seen in my life and this line is bad and contains spelling errors."

"Marah is innocent of all accusations, as my daughter has no political interests and does not follow the news, and since the beginning of the current school year, she has been making a double effort to get a high average in high school and study accounting or medical secretaries," the mother added.

According to Marah Tarik Moubayed's uncle, the family is trying to collect all the testimonies and eyewitness accounts in order to help Marah get out of this ordeal, which the family asserts is innocent of.

Marah Bakeer denies – according to her lawyer assigned to her case Sana Dweik – the charge against her, and confirms that the police are the ones who assaulted her, and during the trial session held for Marah in absentia did not provide any evidence for the stabbing process, which accuses the occupation authorities Marah and whenever you ask the lawyer about the evidence the answer was "the file is confidential and the evidence is confidential."

Marah Bakeer is still lying on the recovery bed at Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in occupied Jerusalem, and despite the fact that her family has been prevented from visiting her until now, Marah was able to deliver a message to her mother through the lawyer and told her, "Tell my mother that I am fine and kiss her on my behalf."

It is noteworthy that Marah suffered a fracture in her right shoulder last year and stayed in the hospital for a long time and was installed platinum for her, and now she suffers from broken bones in her shoulder and left hand after being shot, she is forced despite her childhood to endure the pain of injury alone without the support of her family, as she is waiting for an unknown fate that will end either in release or in prison, and only the occupation will decide this fate.

Source : Al Jazeera