Teller Report

Lukas Kilian: Woman hits the car of a CDU member of parliament with a hammer in Kiel

11/22/2023, 6:16:26 PM

Highlights: Lukas Kilian: Woman hits the car of a CDU member of parliament with a hammer in Kiel. The incident had only caused material damage. Police were able to take a suspect into custody. The state parliament administration is currently reviewing the existing security precautions for access to the state house. "No one was hurt," Kilian said. He is doing well. A spokesman for the state parliament spoke of a security-related incident on the forecourt in front of theState house.

The CDU politician Lukas Kilian has been attacked in his car in front of the Kiel state parliament - apparently by a mentally disturbed person. The politician was unharmed. Now the police are investigating.

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CDU politician Kilian: "No one was injured"

Photo: Frank Peter / IMAGO

During a session of the Kiel state parliament, there was a security incident in front of the regional parliament. The member of the state parliament and general secretary of the CDU Schleswig-Holstein, Lukas Kilian, was attacked in his car by a presumably mentally disturbed woman with a hammer. Kilian himself told the dpa news agency. The NDR published a photo that is supposed to show the damaged windshield of Kilian's car.

According to the politician, the incident occurred around 16 p.m. The obviously mentally disturbed person approached him in front of the state parliament building and then followed him to his car, Kilian said, according to NDR.

Because he did not understand her request, he sat down in his company car. The woman followed him, first tore open the driver's door and then smashed the windshield of the car with a hammer. Then she shouted "Minister, Minister".

"No one was hurt," Kilian said. He is doing well. The incident had only caused material damage.

A spokesman for the state parliament spoke of a security-related incident on the forecourt in front of the state house. "Police were able to take a suspect into custody," the spokesman said. On this occasion, the state parliament administration is currently reviewing the existing security precautions for access to the state house.
