Teller Report

Five people received bruises as a result of a train accident in the Ulyanovsk region

11/22/2023, 3:25:13 PM

Highlights: Five people received bruises after the accident of a train with a diesel locomotive in the Ulyanovsk region. Medical workers examined all injured passengers. The Investigative Committee has launched an investigation into the accident. The victims will receive insurance compensation, the company noted. The passengers of the train refused to be hospitalized, they want to get home as soon as possible, the head of the region said. On November 22, a passenger train and a shunting locomotive collided in the region, 25 passengers sought medical help.

Five people received bruises after the accident of a train with a diesel locomotive in the Ulyanovsk region, medical workers examined all injured passengers.

This was announced by the governor of the Ulyanovsk region Alexei Russkikh.

"Two ambulance crews of the Cherdaklinsky District Hospital urgently went to the scene. All passengers of the train were inspected. According to the latest data, five people had soft tissue contusions, our doctors provided assistance on the spot," he said.

The passengers of the train refused to be hospitalized, they want to get home as soon as possible, the head of the region said.

"Until the train is dispatched, our crews are on duty at the scene of the emergency," he added.

On November 22, a passenger train and a shunting diesel locomotive collided in the Ulyanovsk region, 25 passengers sought medical help. The Investigative Committee has launched an investigation into the accident.

Russian Railways has begun an internal audit. The victims will receive insurance compensation, the company noted.