Teller Report

"As a teacher, you hope to get support from the school"

11/22/2023, 6:45:51 PM

Highlights: SVT Nyheter Skåne has talked to three student teachers at Malmö University about how they view such situations. Paul Carlbark was dismissed by the school after he intervened against a threatening student. "It was a bit harsh to fire someone who was just trying to soften the situation," says Dea Kabashi, a student teacher. "You have to react in a situation, but it's incredibly difficult what you can and can't do at school today," says Johanna Truelsen.

It is not uncommon for teachers to be subjected to threats and violence in today's schools. SVT Nyheter Skåne has talked to three student teachers at Malmö University about how they view such situations.

After SVT News Skåne's publication about the teacher Paul Carlbark who was dismissed by the school after he intervened against a threatening student, teacher students at Malmö University have reacted to the situation.

"It was a bit harsh to fire someone who was just trying to soften the situation," says Dea Kabashi, a student teacher at Malmö University.

It doesn't seem to be easy to know how to handle all situations in school as a teacher or student, something that student teacher Johanna Truelsen also says.

"You have to react in a situation, but it's incredibly difficult what you can and can't do at school today," she says.

Watch and hear the three student teachers in the video above.