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In the press - Argentina's presidential election: "The anger of the present has overcome the fear of the future"

11/20/2023, 8:35:13 AM

Highlights: In the press - Argentina's presidential election: "The anger of the present has overcome the fear of the future". On the front page of the press, the election of Javier Milei as president in Argentina. The far-right candidate won by a wide margin against the Peronist Sergio Massa, with almost a majority of the votes. The international press continues to be dominated by the war between Israel and Hamas, which could reach an agreement on the hostages held in Gaza, according to reports.

On the front page of the press on Monday 20 November, the election of Javier Milei as president in Argentina. The far-right candidate won by a wide margin against the Peronist Sergio Massa, with almost a majority of the votes.

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On the front page of the press, the election of Javier Milei as president in Argentina. The far-right candidate won by a wide margin against the Peronist Sergio Massa, with nearly 56% of the vote.

"Javier Milei becomes the next president, a new era for Argentina begins," announced La Voz, a daily newspaper in the central province of Cordoba, Milei's stronghold, where he won more than 74 percent of the vote. La Voz refers to his "devastating victory" over Sergio Massa - a victory presented as a political "paradigm shift".

In Córdoba, electoral paliza from Javier Milei to Sergio Massa

— LAVOZcomar (@LAVOZcomar) November 20, 2023

The man whom the press has nicknamed "the Trump of the pampas" promises "the end of decadence" and the "reconstruction" of Argentina - a statement on the front page of the website of El Dia, a daily newspaper in La Plata, province of the capital, Buenos Aires, where the results are much closer.

"A historic vote": Clarin, Argentina's most widely read newspaper, reports a period of "uncertainty" between now and 10 December, when Javier Milei will officially take office. In the meantime, Milei was elected with a promise to change everything – "on condition that he turns the chainsaw into the ability to govern", warns the newspaper, which points out that "the new president will have the lowest parliamentary support in history", "which will force him to make agreements (with the opposition) to pass laws". Clarin, again, speaks of a "resounding vote against a government that embodied 'popular discontent' and explains "the massive vote" in favour of Javier Milei by the fact that 'the anger of the present has overcome the fear of the future'. This analysis is similar to that of La Nacion, which sees Argentina as "a tired country, which has chosen something else", and which has taken "the decision to abandon a well-known territory in order to enter a political time full of innovations".

Abroad, El Confidencial is in tune with the national press and considers that Argentina, the first country in the world to have an "anarcho-capitalist" president, has chosen to "throw itself into the unknown". The Spanish website notes, in passing, that "no one, in the history of post-dictatorship Argentina, has ever obtained as many votes as Milei".

Javier Milei, President: Argentina se arroja a lo desconocido

— El Confidencial (@elconfidencial) November 19, 2023

In Brazil, A Folha de Sao Paulo presents Milei as an "anarcho-liberal", "an eccentric character adept at radical ideas" whose victory "strengthens the wave of the extreme right" in Latin America. The Brazilian daily predicts that if Javier Milei "does not achieve quick results in the first few months, the risk that discontent will invade the streets will be very high". O Globo, another Brazilian newspaper, warns that the new president's task "will be more difficult than that of Trump and Bolsonaro," as he "will not have a majority in Congress to govern, nor the support of specific groups such as evangelicals." O Globo wonders, in passing, about the future relations between President Lula and Javier Milei, who has openly criticized him, and about the "enormous risk" that relations between the two neighboring countries "deteriorate" in the coming months.

Guga Chacra: Será mais difícil para Milei do que foi para Trump e Bolsonaro (via @gugachacra) Clique na foto

— Jornal O Globo (@JornalOGlobo) November 20, 2023

The international press continues to be dominated by the war between Israel and Hamas, which could reach an agreement on the hostages held in Gaza, according to The Washington Post, which reports statements to this effect by the US Deputy National Security Adviser, the Israeli ambassador to Washington and the Qatari Prime Minister. According to these sources, this agreement would provide for "a pause of at least 5 days in the fighting and the initial release of at least 50 women and children". For its part, the Lebanese daily L'Orient Le Jour highlights the statement on Saturday by US President Joe Biden announcing that Washington would be ready to impose sanctions on Israeli settlers who carry out attacks against Palestinians in the West Bank, "the most significant punitive measure taken by the Biden administration against Israel since 2021", according to the newspaper.

🗞 On the front page of L'Orient-Le Jour:

📌 In the Middle East, the return of Washington
📌 Fadi Masri, the new president of the Beirut
📌 Bar Association The weekend marked by an escalation of fighting between Israel and Hezbollah

Subscription 👉

— L'Orient-Le Jour (@LOrientLeJour) November 20, 2023

Also in the press is a report by the NGO Oxfam claiming that the richest 1% of the world's inhabitants generate more carbon emissions than the poorest 66%. The Guardian, which dedicates its front page to this "elite of polluters", quotes the comment of an official of the British NGO: "the very rich are plundering and polluting the planet to the point of destruction and it is the poorest who pay the highest price". Chiara Liguori explains in the newspaper how the climate and inequality crises "feed off each other". This survey specifies that twelve billionaires, including the Russian Roman Abramovich and the American Jeff Bezos, alone pollute more than nearly 2 million homes, because of their financial investments but also because of their many air-conditioned residences, yachts, and other private jets.

We don't leave each other on that. Before I say see you tomorrow, I can't resist the pleasure of sharing with you the front page of L'Équipe: at 24 years old, Kylian Mbappé reached the 300-goal mark, during the match against Gibraltar, crushed by Les Bleus 14-0 - a historic thrashing. Kylian Mbappé is therefore doing better, at his age, than his contemporaries, Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi, and is therefore going "faster than the lights". This kitschy front page refers to the American peplum "300", Zach Snyder's film.

The front pages of the newspaper L'Équipe on Monday, November 20,

— THE TEAM (@lequipe) November 19, 2023

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