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For the common prosperity of the people of the Asia-Pacific region and future generations: a record of President Xi Jinping's visit to San Francisco

11/19/2023, 1:24:57 PM

Highlights: At the invitation of US President Joe Biden, President Xi Jinping went to San Francisco from 14 to 17 to hold a China-US summit and attended the APEC Economic Leaders' Informal Meeting. California Governor Newsom, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and other senior officials warmly greeted them at the bottom of the ramp. Over the course of four days, more than 10 bilateral and multilateral activities were held. Through President Xi's "San Francisco Time", the world listened to the sonorous sound of major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics in the new era.

In San Francisco in November, it's sometimes sunny and sometimes drizzly. The Golden Gate Bridge is full of traffic, the blue sea is dotted with white sails, and gulls are flying. The cool, humid air carries the message of the Pacific breeze.

At the invitation of US President Joe Biden, President Xi Jinping went to San Francisco from 14 to 17 to hold a China-US summit and attended the <>th APEC Economic Leaders' Informal Meeting.

Departing from Beijing and flying over the vast Pacific Ocean, President Xi Jinping's special plane arrived in San Francisco after more than 10 hours of flight. California Governor Newsom, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and other senior officials warmly greeted them at the bottom of the ramp.

On the afternoon of November 11, local time, President Xi Jinping arrived in San Francisco, the United States, by special plane, and was invited to hold a China-US summit meeting with US President Joe Biden, and at the same time attended the 14th APEC Economic Leaders' Informal Meeting. When Xi Jinping arrived at San Francisco International Airport on a special plane, he was warmly greeted by Governor Gaura Newsom, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and other US representatives. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Xie Huanchi

"The first time I came to the U.S. was San Francisco, and that's it." President Xi Jinping's words were kind. "In 1985." Newsom added with a smile. Yellen, who previously served as president of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, welcomed President Xi Jinping as a "local."

This West Coast metropolis has witnessed the century-old history of exchanges between the Chinese and American peoples, as well as the efforts of China and the United States to build a better world, and this time will witness a new milestone in the history of international relations.

In 1945, China and the United States jointly participated in the initiation of the San Francisco Constitutional Convention, which promoted the establishment of the United Nations, and China was the first to sign the Charter of the United Nations. Looking back on the highlight of "the last time San Francisco brought together global leaders", CBS reported that for San Francisco, the APEC meeting will be a rare "opportunity of the century".

Over the course of four days, more than 10 bilateral and multilateral activities were held. President Xi Jinping has closely interacted with all parties to guide the course of China-US relations, draw a blueprint for Asia-Pacific cooperation, and inject strong confidence and impetus into regional and world peace, stability, development and prosperity.

The footsteps of the wind and dust, the bearing of the world. Through President Xi Jinping's "San Francisco Time", the world listened to the sonorous sound of major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics in the new era, and witnessed the dedication and responsibility of a major country in the East to seek progress for mankind and the common good of the world.

(1) Shaping: "What kind of Asia-Pacific will we bring to the middle of this century?" ”

This is the 30th meeting of APEC leaders. At such a historical juncture, looking back at the way we came and looking ahead, we can better understand the surging tide of the world.

Thirty years ago, shortly after the end of the Cold War, Asia-Pacific leaders convened the first APEC Economic Leaders' Informal Meeting in line with the trend of peace and development, and unanimously agreed to go beyond the old thinking of bloc confrontation and zero-sum game, deepen regional economic cooperation and integration, and strive to build a vibrant, harmonious and prosperous Asia-Pacific family.

Over the past 30 years, this mechanism has pushed Asia-Pacific development and economic globalization into the fast lane, helping the Asia-Pacific region become a world economic growth center, an anchor of global development stability and a highland of cooperation.

What are the profound implications of the extraordinary history of Asia-Pacific cooperation? On the 16th, President Xi Jinping shared his profound thoughts with the world in a written speech to the APEC Business Leaders Summit.

Openness and inclusiveness are the main themes of Asia-Pacific cooperation.

Common development is the overall goal of Asia-Pacific cooperation;

Seeking common ground while reserving differences is a good practice in Asia-Pacific cooperation.

The language is incisive and philosophical. Draw wisdom and strength from history, and let the light of thought illuminate the way forward.

"The Asia-Pacific region cannot and should not be reduced to a gladiatorial arena for geopolitical games, let alone engage in a 'new Cold War' and bloc confrontation", "Only cooperation can develop, non-cooperation is the biggest risk, and engaging in 'decoupling and breaking the chain' is not beneficial to anyone", "Adhere to open regionalism", "Build an open Asia-Pacific economy with win-win cooperation", "Promote digital, intelligent, and green transformation and development"...

China's unequivocal position and China's solution, which integrates knowledge and action, will unite strength for the lasting stability, prosperity and development of the Asia-Pacific region.

In the press center of the conference, a stack of speeches was snatched up, and the reporters read them carefully after getting them, and rushed to send out the news.

The full text of the speech was published on the website of the San Francisco Observer on the same day. Editor's note: "We rarely publish a political speech in its entirety, but President Xi Jinping's speech is highly unusual, containing highly anticipated messages from the American business community, policymakers, and the world, and will be read extensively and deeply."

"Thought-provoking", "inspiring", "pointing out the direction for the Asia-Pacific region to work together to achieve common development and prosperity"... Business people in the Asia-Pacific region spoke highly of President Xi Jinping's speech.

The greatness of a great country lies in its big mind, big pattern, and big responsibility.

Since 2013, President Xi Jinping has attended or presided over all APEC Economic Leaders' Informal Meetings and delivered important speeches, making great plans for regional cooperation, shaping the overall pattern, and charting the future for the common destiny of the people of the Asia-Pacific region.

From proposing to establish a "sense of an Asia-Pacific community with a shared future", to advocating the joint construction of an "Asia-Pacific partnership of mutual trust, inclusiveness, cooperation and win-win", from depicting the "Asia-Pacific dream", to outlining a "blueprint for all-round connectivity", to maintaining the smooth flow of the global supply chain and industrial chain... China's ideas and actions lead the Asia-Pacific ship to cut through the waves and move forward.

At present, the world is undergoing changes in a century at an accelerated pace, and the world economy is facing a variety of risks and challenges. As the engine of global economic growth, the Asia-Pacific region shoulders greater responsibilities of the times.

"As leaders of the Asia-Pacific region, we all need to think deeply about what kind of Asia-Pacific we want to bring to the middle of this century. How to build the next 'golden 30 years' of Asia-Pacific development? How can APEC play its role better in this process? ”

On the morning of November 11, local time, the 17th APEC Economic Leaders' Informal Meeting was held at the Mosconny Center in San Francisco, USA. President Xi Jinping attended the meeting and delivered an important speech entitled "Stick to the Original Aspiration, Unite and Cooperate to Promote High-quality Growth in the Asia-Pacific Region". Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Xueren

At the 17th APEC Economic Leaders' Informal Meeting held on the <>th, President Xi Jinping delivered an important speech to solve the problems of the new era facing the Asia-Pacific region and promote Asia-Pacific cooperation to start again.

Adhere to innovation-driven; adhere to the orientation of openness; adhere to green development; Adhere to inclusive sharing.

"We should uphold the original aspiration of Asia-Pacific cooperation, respond responsibly to the call of the times, work together to address global challenges, fully implement Putrajaya's vision, build an open, vibrant, resilient and peaceful Asia-Pacific community, and achieve common prosperity for the people of the Asia-Pacific region and future generations." President Xi Jinping's remarks were widely endorsed by the leaders of the participating economies.

(2) Pilot: "This earth can accommodate China and the United States." The success of China and the United States is an opportunity for each other. ”

The APEC Economic Leaders' Informal Dialogue and Working Luncheon with the Host Guests held on the 16th was themed "Sustainable, Climate and Just Energy Transition". On the sidelines of the meeting, the Sino-US summit held the day before became the focus of discussion among all parties.

"Congratulations!" "Great!" Seeing President Xi Jinping, many leaders stepped forward to congratulate the successful holding of the China-US summit, and some even lamented that the meeting "made people breathe a sigh of relief".

On the 15th, President Xi Jinping and President Biden held a meeting at the Philory Manor on the outskirts of San Francisco.

On November 11, local time, President Xi Jinping held a meeting between the heads of state of China and the United States with US President Joe Biden at Philori Manor in San Francisco. This is after the talks, Biden invited Xi Jinping to walk with him in the Philori estate. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Xueren

In particular, the US side said that the China-US summit is a separate invitation from President Biden to President Xi Jinping, which is different from the bilateral meeting arrangement during the APEC Economic Leaders' Informal Meeting. This is a "summit" between China and the United States.

At about 11:15 a.m., when President Xi Jinping arrived in a car, President Biden greeted him in front of the main building. Shake hands, take a group photo, and walk into the meeting hall side by side.

"This earth can accommodate both China and the United States. The success of China and the United States is an opportunity for each other. After taking his seat, President Xi Jinping made the statement clear. The meeting came exactly one year and one day after the Bali meeting.

Over the past year, the US has run a serious "operational deficit" in implementing the Bali Consensus, which has even run counter to the spirit advocated by the Consensus, leading to new difficulties in bilateral relations. In recent months, senior US government officials have visited China many times, and there has been a marked increase in high-level bilateral interactions, and there has been a positive momentum of stopping the decline and stabilizing relations between the two countries.

"Mr. President and I are at the helm of China-US relations, and we have a heavy responsibility for the people, the world, and history." President Xi Jinping's powerful words demonstrate the profound thinking and responsibility of a responsible leader of a major country.

"I have always believed that the U.S.-China relationship is the most important bilateral relationship in the world, that a U.S.-China conflict is not inevitable, and that a stable and developing China is in the interests of the United States and the world." President Biden said.

"Jointly establish correct cognition", "jointly and effectively manage differences", "jointly promote mutually beneficial cooperation", "jointly shoulder the responsibilities of major countries", "jointly promote people-to-people exchanges"... President Xi Jinping's "Five Commons" have laid five pillars for the stable development of China-US relations.

On the basis of mutual respect, equality and reciprocity, the leaders of the two countries explored dialogue and cooperation in various fields, and reached more than 20 consensus in the fields of politics and diplomacy, people-to-people and cultural exchanges, global governance, and military security.

The meeting, luncheon, and walk were all done with simultaneous interpretation, and the two heads of state talked in a down-to-earth manner for four hours. In parting, President Xi Jinping said: "I believe that our relationship will be maintained." "I agree." President Biden responded.

During the meeting, the media captured such a moment -

Before the luncheon, President Biden showed President Xi Jinping a photo on his phone, which was a photo taken by Xi Jinping, then secretary of the Zhengding County Party Committee, in front of the Golden Gate Bridge in 1985. "You haven't changed at all!" President Biden said. The scene suddenly resounded with a burst of hearty laughter.

At noon local time on November 11, at the Philory Manor in the suburbs of San Francisco, President Xi Jinping concluded his meeting with U.S. President Joe Biden and attended a banquet held by President Biden. This is a photo of Biden showing on his phone a visit to San Francisco in 15 when Xi Jinping was the party secretary of Zhengding County. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Xueren

At noon local time on November 11, at the Philory Manor in the suburbs of San Francisco, President Xi Jinping concluded his meeting with U.S. President Joe Biden and attended a banquet held by President Biden. Biden showed on his phone a photo of Xi Jinping's visit to San Francisco in 15 when he was party secretary of Zhengding County. Here are the photos on display. Xinhua News Agency

38 years have passed, and it is a snap of a finger. From the secretary of the county party committee to the leader of a major country, Xi Jinping has always believed that the foundation of China-US relations is poured by the people, the door of China-US relations is opened by the people, the story of China-US relations is written by the people, and the future of China-US relations is created by the people.

On the evening of the 15th, in downtown San Francisco, American friendship groups jointly held a banquet to welcome President Xi Jinping. Flying Tigers veteran, descendant of General Stilwell, "Friends of Drum Ridge", friends of Iowa and Washington State... About 400 new and old friends gathered together in a grand and enthusiastic scene.

当地时间11月15日晚,国家主席习近平在美国旧金山出席美国友好团体联合举行的欢迎宴会。这是习近平发表重要演讲。新华社记者 姚大伟 摄

当地时间11月15日晚,国家主席习近平在美国旧金山出席美国友好团体联合举行的欢迎宴会。这是宴会开始前,习近平会见飞虎队和史迪威将军后人、鼓岭、艾奥瓦州、华盛顿州等方面友好人士代表,同他们亲切交谈并合影留念。新华社记者 谢环驰 摄






(3) Responsibility: "The next 'China' is still China"

On November 11, the Chinese delegation was flocked with guests, becoming the "home field" of China's bilateral diplomacy during multilateral international conferences.

In the midst of a dense and compact schedule, President Xi Jinping has set aside time to hold bilateral meetings with a number of foreign leaders attending the APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting.

Some are from Latin America, which is thousands of miles away from China.

"Before I get into other topics, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you." At his first meeting with President Xi Jinping, Mexican President Andrés López López spoke about the past.

On the morning of November 11, local time, President Xi Jinping met with Mexican President Andrés López López in San Francisco. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Rao Aimin

"In our most difficult moment, China was the first country to help us." President López was a little emotional, "China has built air bridges with us, sending us a steady stream of medical supplies to help us tide over the difficulties." ”

The world has emerged from the pandemic, but President López López still has China's urgent assistance in mind. When he met President Xi Jinping, he couldn't wait to express his gratitude.

"We may not be able to find another planet for humanity to live on in our lifetime." During his trip to San Francisco, President Xi Jinping made a thought-provoking remark.

Although they are located on different continents and thousands of miles apart, they are all members of the Asia-Pacific family, residents of the global village, and a community with a shared future for mankind.

Some are Pacific island countries that are separated by oceans from China-

"China is a great country that has always adhered to the principle that all countries, big or small, are equal, and Fiji admires President Xi Jinping's world leadership." Fijian Prime Minister Rambuka, who met with President Xi Jinping for the first time since taking office, said.

On the morning of November 11, local time, President Xi Jinping met with Fijian Prime Minister Rambuka in San Francisco. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Rao Aimin

"China's development of relations with Pacific island countries is frank and unselfish, and it is not aimed at any third party." President Xi Jinping's words are meaningful.

Despite the differences in national conditions, Prime Minister Rambuka is keen to seek inspiration from the successful path of Chinese modernization.

"The Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative and the Global Civilization Initiative proposed by President Xi Jinping are conducive to safeguarding and promoting the development and interests of countries in the Global South," he said. Fiji looks forward to deepening cooperation with China and helping Fiji choose and take the path to modernization. ”

Some are friendly neighbors across the sea from China -

"I remember the meeting we had in Bangkok, also during the APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting." Sultan Hassanal of Brunei Darussalam said that Brunei and China have a long history of friendly exchanges, and Brunei is willing to continue to strengthen cooperation in the fields of economy and trade, agriculture, fishery and green energy, and actively promote high-quality Belt and Road cooperation.

On the afternoon of November 11, local time, President Xi Jinping met with Sultan Hassanal of Brunei in San Francisco. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Yao Dawei

"It feels very cordial to see old friends again today." President Xi Jinping said that China attaches great importance to East Asian cooperation and is willing to work with Brunei and other ASEAN countries to promote regional economic integration and uphold the right direction of East Asian cooperation.

Some are close neighbors with China by a strip of water-

On the afternoon of November 11, local time, President Xi Jinping met with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida in San Francisco. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Ye

Meeting again after a year, President Xi Jinping and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida reaffirmed their commitment to the principles and consensus of the four political documents between China and Japan, reaffirmed the positioning of bilateral relations in an all-round way to comprehensively promote strategic and mutually beneficial relations, and committed to building a constructive and stable China-Japan relationship that meets the requirements of the new era.


No matter how big or small the country is, no matter where they come from, everyone gathers together with a common aspiration: to jointly build a peaceful, stable and prosperous Asia-Pacific family. Exchanges and cooperation with China are of utmost importance.

The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), held more than a year ago, started a new journey of comprehensively promoting the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese-style modernization. What will China bring to the Asia-Pacific region and the world on its new journey?

President Xi Jinping's first visit to the United States after the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) told a vivid and wonderful story of China to the United States, the Asia-Pacific region and the world from different dimensions.

"Not long ago, we successfully held the 128th China International Import Expo, attracting more than 3400,6 companies from 14 countries, including the United States, and the United States has the largest exhibition area for six consecutive years." At the joint welcome banquet of American friendship groups, President Xi Jinping talked about the newly successfully held CIIE, explaining to the world with solid figures that "more than <>.<> billion Chinese people are moving towards modernization and are the great opportunities that China has brought to the world."

"At present, nearly half of the world's installed photovoltaic power generation capacity is in China, more than half of the world's new energy vehicles are driven in China, and a quarter of the world's new green area comes from China. We strive to peak carbon emissions by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2060. We do what we say. Speaking of green development, which is of concern to all parties, President Xi Jinping has drawn a vision for a future where man and nature coexist in harmony.

"Last month, China successfully held the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, forming 458 outcomes, Chinese financial institutions set up a 7800 billion yuan Belt and Road project financing window, and Chinese and foreign enterprises reached a business cooperation agreement of 972.<> billion US dollars, which will promote the high-quality development of the Belt and Road Initiative, inject strong impetus into global connectivity and promote development and prosperity." Communicating with friends from the Asia-Pacific business community, President Xi Jinping looks forward to the bright future of the Belt and Road Initiative.

"China adheres to the path of peaceful development, and the fundamental purpose of development is to let the Chinese people live a good life, not to replace anyone." In San Francisco, President Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out that "working better, living better, and growing up better for children are the earnest aspirations of more than 14.<> billion Chinese." ”

Looking back on the extraordinary course of 30 years, as a member of the Asia-Pacific family, China's development started in the Asia-Pacific region and benefited from the Asia-Pacific region. Facing the future and embarking on a new journey, China will continue to be based in the Asia-Pacific region and benefit the Asia-Pacific region. The next "China" is still China.

"I would like to extend my warmest invitation to you to take the time to attend the 2024 APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting and make another state visit to Peru." The San Francisco meeting has not yet ended, and Peruvian President Boluarte, the host of next year's APEC meeting, has already moved ahead of schedule. When President Xi Jinping met with him, President Boluarte could not wait to extend an invitation to President Xi Jinping.

On the morning of November 11, local time, President Xi Jinping met with Peruvian President Boluarte in San Francisco. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Ding Lin

Focusing on the next "golden 30 years", starting from San Francisco, for the common prosperity of the people of the Asia-Pacific region and future generations, for world peace and development, and for a better future for mankind, President Xi Jinping will lead China in the new era and continue to move forward.

Text reporters: Liu Hua, Han Liang

Participating reporters: Yang Yijun, Sun Yi, Su Liang, Wen Wen

Editors: Wang Zhao, Ding Ying, Li Qing, Sun Ding, Chen Bo, Liang Yi, Ni Hongmei, Zhao Jingjing, Liu Xiuling, Hua Yi, Xu Chao, Xue Lei, Ling Shuo, Lin Xiaochun, Yang Haiyun, Ma Zhen, Geng Xuepeng, Hu Bixia, Jiang Ziwei

Co-ordinator: Huang Xiaoxi, He Yuxin