Teller Report

Irene Montero accuses Pedro Sánchez and Yolanda Díaz of "kicking Podemos out of government"

11/15/2023, 2:53:19 PM

Highlights: Irene Montero accuses Pedro Sánchez and Yolanda Díaz of "kicking Podemos out of government" The former vice-president of the Government has assumed that his party will not have any ministry. Pablo Iglesias has defended that the purple formation should run with its own brand in the next European elections: "Podemos has to assert itself, the presence in the European elections is essential", says the former leader of the party. He has accused the representatives of Sumar of lacking "democratic legitimacy" and has predicted that this legislature PodemOS will strengthen ties with ERC, Bildu and the BNG.

Irene Montero has criticised the fact that "Pedro Sánchez and Yolanda Díaz are going to kick Podemos out of the government" because that "will make it extremely difficult to move from words to the...

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Irene Montero has criticised the fact that "Pedro Sánchez and Yolanda Díaz are going to kick Podemos out of the government" because that "will make it extremely difficult to move from words to deeds to stop this reactionary offensive that is being deployed from the political power and also from the media and judicial power".

"It is useless to talk about feminism many times if you yourself have told the country, as the President of the Government has done, that feminism bothers your friends in their 40s and 50s," criticised the still acting Minister of Equality after listening to the speech of the candidate for re-election.

Montero has defended that it is necessary to "continue transforming" the country "with courage and without putting on a profile", that these are "hallmarks of Podemos", and added that "it would be good" if there were "a coalition government and not just a government in which Pedro Sánchez rules", thus implicitly ignoring Sumar's capacity for influence in the new Executive.

The rupture of Podemos and Sumar is something that is already taken for granted by the former vice-president and former leader of Podemos Pablo Iglesias, who this Wednesday has defended that the purple formation should run with its own brand in the next European elections: "Podemos has to assert itself, the presence in the European elections is essential".

Iglesias takes the rupture for granted

In statements to RAC1, Iglesias has accused the representatives of Sumar of lacking "democratic legitimacy" and has predicted that this legislature Podemos will strengthen ties with ERC, Bildu and the BNG.

The former vice-president of the Government has assumed that his party will not have any ministry and has indicated: "Podemos now has a much freer path and with its own strength as decisive as that of the PNV, Junts, Bildu ERC".

However, he has considered that the fact of being left out of the Executive avoids Podemos the risk "of being totally invisible in a government with less political initiative", a threat that, in his opinion, "will end up neutralizing Sumar", reports Efe.

"I think that a new path is beginning for our political force that I think is very exciting and that is going to work," said the former vice-president, who pointed out that the acting Minister of Equality, Irene Montero, "is sad" because "she did not like that Podemos was thrown out of the government in this way".

After Podemos' consultation to invest Pedro Sánchez, in which more than 55,000 people participated, the former vice-president also charged against the lack of "democratic legitimacy" of the deputies and future ministers of Sumar: "No one who is there has been voted for by anyone. Neither those who are going to be appointed as ministers nor those who have been on the lists."

"When someone wonders why Yolanda Diaz will never hold primaries, the reason is obvious. Sumar's parties, with the exception of Podemos, all together have 10 times fewer militants than Podemos. They have a huge problem of democratic legitimacy, they have obvious media support, but they have almost no militants and no legitimacy," he argued.

  • Can
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  • Pedro Sanchez
  • Irene Montero
  • Yolanda Diaz
  • Bildu
  • PNV
  • BNG
  • CKD
  • Pablo Iglesias
  • Congress of Deputies
  • Articles Marta Belver