Teller Report

Two years after the fire that burned 30 buildings in Hiroshima's "Ekinishi", restaurants and other establishments conducted fire drills

11/14/2023, 11:34:43 AM

Highlights: Two years after the fire that burned 30 buildings in Hiroshima's "Ekinishi", restaurants and other establishments conducted fire drills. About 30 people, including restaurant owners, participated in the drill, which was held in a restaurant district in Minami-ku, Hiroshima City. Five years ago, there was a large-scale fire in the restaurant district near JR Hiroshima Station, commonly known as "Ekinsi" The residents' association, in which restaurants in Ekinishi participate, has installed about 30 fire extinguishers in stores and alleys using crowdfunding.

【NHK】It has been two years since a fire that burned 30 houses and restaurants in the restaurant district near JR Hiroshima Station in Hiroshima City, commonly known as "Ekinishi", occurred ...

This month marks two years since a fire broke out in a restaurant district near JR Hiroshima Station, commonly known as "Ekinishi," which burned 30 houses and restaurants, and fire drills were held for restaurants and other establishments.

On the 14th, about 30 people, including restaurant owners, participated in the drill, which was held in a restaurant district in Minami-ku, Hiroshima City, commonly known as "Ekinishi," and at the beginning of the drill, the person in charge of the fire department explained that it is important not to place flammable items near the stove on a daily basis and to regularly clean ducts and other facilities in order to prevent fires.

After this, a drill was conducted assuming that a fire had broken out in the store, and when the owner of the restaurant where the fire originated told the neighbors in a loud voice, "There is a fire," the owners of the surrounding stores quickly gathered with fire extinguishers.

The residents' association, in which restaurants and other businesses in Ekinishi participate, has installed about 30 fire extinguishers in stores and alleys using crowdfunding to promote efforts to prevent fires throughout the town in response to the fires in Otoshi.

Kei Sakuma, who runs a liquor store, said, "Two years ago, when the fire and Corona overlapped, there was a gloomy atmosphere that the Ekinishi would end.

Tatsuo Chikashige, chief of the Prevention Division of the Hiroshima City Minami Fire Department, said, "There is a risk of fire spreading if a fire breaks out due to the density of old wooden buildings in this area.

What is an Ekinishi fire?

Five years ago, there was a large-scale fire in the restaurant district near JR Hiroshima Station, commonly known as "Ekinishi".

Among them, an elderly woman died in a house believed to be the source of the fire in a fire five years ago, and two people were injured in the house that started the fire in November,

and a total of 5 houses and restaurants were burned.

It was pointed out that "Ekinishi" is densely packed with wooden shops and houses, and there is a risk that the fire will spread in the event of a fire.