Teller Report

Two men stabbed to death in Hanover – perpetrators fugitive

11/14/2023, 7:13:31 AM

Highlights: Two men stabbed to death in Hanover – perpetrators fugitive. There are only a few hundred meters between the two crime scenes. The two 45-year-olds succumbed to their serious injuries. The background is still unclear - as well as whether the acts are connected. A previously unknown person stabbed a guest in an arcade in the Nordstadt district. Another guest had tried to come to his aid and had also been injured. A little later, the police called to a hotel in Hamburger Allee. He succumbed to his injuries in the hospital, according to police.

There are only a few hundred meters between the two crime scenes: In Hanover, two men were attacked with a stabbing weapon. The two 45-year-olds succumbed to their serious injuries.

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Arcade in Hanover: One of the two crime scenes

Photo: Moritz Frankenberg / dpa

One or more perpetrators fatally injured two men with a stabbing weapon in Hanover on Tuesday night. Both victims are 45 years old, according to police in the early morning. According to the police, the background is still unclear - as well as whether the acts are connected. The perpetrator or perpetrators are fugitives.

In an arcade in the Nordstadt district, a previously unknown person stabbed a guest, said a police spokeswoman. The victim died at the scene. Another guest had tried to come to his aid and had also been injured. However, he was able to receive outpatient care.

Hotel is the second crime scene

A little later, the police called to a hotel in Hamburger Allee, it said. There, too, a 45-year-old was attacked with a stabbing weapon. He succumbed to his injuries in the hospital, according to police.

According to the information, there are only a few hundred meters between the two crime scenes. Because of the local proximity and the procedure, a connection between the two acts cannot be ruled out, said the police spokeswoman.
