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Prefectural People's Day Shote Saitama Aichi from this year Oita doesn't even know the prefectural officials, what about the whole country?

11/14/2023, 10:44:21 AM

Highlights: Prefectural People's Day Shote Saitama Aichi from this year Oita doesn't even know the prefectural officials, what about the whole country?. The cast of that movie, which became a hot topic for thoroughly disparaging Saitamas, gathered in SaitAMA. Public schools in Sainama Prefecture were closed and various events were held. Some places are celebrating their first "Prefectial People's day" Some businesses are focusing on private businesses, which there is no date set for.

【NHK】Today, November 11th, is "Saitama Prefectural People's Day". The performers of that movie, which became a hot topic by thoroughly slamming Saitama, gathered in Saitama ...

Today, November 11th, is "Saitama Prefectural People's Day".

The cast of that movie, which became a hot topic for thoroughly disparaging Saitama, gathered in Saitama.

Speaking of which, what is the status of Prefectural Day in other municipalities?

Why on this day? What are the benefits? We asked 14 prefectures.

"Don't dismiss Saitama in the future."

On November 11th, "Saitama Prefectural People's Day" Public schools in Saitama Prefecture were closed and various events were held.

At the Saitama Prefectural Office, Fumi Nikaido, who stars in the movie "Shote Saitama", and GACKT visited and held a talk show with Governor Ohno.

"In the future, please don't dismiss Saitama," Governor Ohno reminded the audience, "

I would like you to tell me where there are good places in Saitama Prefecture."

When the participants answered "Kawagoe City" or "Gyoda City," they did their best to say, "There is nothing in Gyoda City," and the venue was filled with laughter.

Mr. Nikaido cited Chichibu City as an attractive place in Saitama Prefecture, saying, "I've been there on a day trip, and I've gone on a trip with my mother, and you might be able to meet me standing in Chichibu City."

At the end, together with the people gathered at the venue, we did a "Saitama pose" to represent the prefectural bird "Shirakodo" and other birds to promote the charm of Saitama.

"Oita Prefectural Citizens' Day" that even prefectural officials don't know?

Today is November 11th.

Along with "Saitama Prefectural People's Day" on SNS, the name "Oita Prefectural Citizens' Day" was mentioned.

If you contact Oita Prefecture immediately ...

Oita Prefectural Public Relations Division
: "Currently, there is no Prefectural Citizen's Day officially established by ordinance in the prefecture, and in the past, the council has designated Prefectural Citizens' Day and held events in honor of that day, but ..."

It does not seem to be a date set by the prefecture.

When asked about the excitement of Oita Prefectural People's Day in the past...

Oita Prefectural Public Relations Division
: "It seems that the council that used to be in the prefecture created it in honor of the prefecture's birthday as part of the prefectural people's movement, but I don't know the specific date of its formulation.

materials of the former prefecture, which the person in charge of the prefecture does not know in detail, there was a record that the "Hometown Festival" was held in conjunction with "Oita Prefectural Citizens' Day" from Showa 51 to Heisei 12.

There was also a performance of Japanese drums, and there was a time when 1,<> people attended.

However, after that, the council disappeared, and it became an ordinary day that even the prefectural officials did not know.

Some places are celebrating their first "Prefectural People's Day"

In fact, the number of Prefectural Citizens' Day is still increasing.
Aichi Prefecture celebrates Prefectural Citizens' Day for the first time.

Last year, on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the prefectural government, we designated November 11, the day when Aichi Prefecture was born by the abolished feudal prefecture, as "Aichi Prefectural People's Day" in order to inspire pride and attachment.

In addition, one week including Prefectural Citizens' Day is said to be "Aichi Week". The aim is to attract customers to the event.

If there is only one prefectural citizen's day, it may fall on a weekday, so by making it wider, we are trying to attract customers to the event.

During Aichi Week, some of the facilities of the prefecture and municipalities will be open to the public free of charge, and sales and campaigns will be held with the cooperation of many private businesses, referring to Saitama Prefecture, which is focusing on Prefectural Citizens' Day.

What is a "school holiday"?

In addition, Aichi Prefecture will start the "Prefectural Citizens' Day School Holiday" from this year, in which schools and municipalities choose one day during "Aichi Week" and close the school.

By choosing a day off, the children's holidays are dispersed and the aim is to avoid congestion at inns and theme parks.

Since the 1rd is Labor Thanksgiving Day and is a national holiday, many schools are closed on the 23th and have a four-day holiday.

Prefectural Day was established in 19 prefectures

How many municipalities have established Prefectural Citizens' Day in the same way as Saitama Prefecture? When we interviewed each prefecture, 19 prefectures answered "yes."

We want to use this as an opportunity to deepen their understanding of the local area and to get attached to it.

The most was the day of birth in the abandoned feudal prefecture

The most common reason for the date of enactment was the date when the prefecture was created by the abolished feudal prefecture in Meiji 4, and the date when the prefecture was merged to roughly take its current form, including Saitama, Fukushima, and Tochigi.

In addition, it was established on the day that Takeshiro Matsuura, who is considered to be the godfather in Hokkaido, proposed the name to the Meiji government, and on the day the name was first used in Gunma Prefecture.

"Prefectural Citizens' Day" school holidays in 7 prefectures

When asked about the implementation of Prefectural Citizens' Day, 17 provinces and prefectures, including Fukushima and Tottori prefectures, responded that they allow people to use public facilities such as museums and sports facilities for free or at a discount.

In addition to this, Hokkaido was also issuing coupons for discounts on the use of facilities in cooperation with private companies.

Seven cities and prefectures — Ibaraki, Gunma, Chiba, Tokyo, Aichi, Saitama, and Yamanashi — said they were closed for public elementary, junior high, and high schools.

Summary of prefectural days nationwide

We have summarized the "Prefectural Citizens' Day" nationwide.

"Hokkaido" (July 17) Established
as the day when Takeshiro Matsuura, known as the godfather of "Hokkaido", proposed the name "Kitakai Province" to the government in the 2nd year of Meiji (1869).
Provincial facilities can be used free of charge.

"Tohoku" Akita Prefecture (August 29) As
the day when "Akita Prefecture"
was born in the abolished feudal prefecture.
Prefectural facilities can be used free of charge.

Fukushima Prefecture (August 21) As
the day when the current "Fukushima Prefecture" was born.
Prefectural facilities can be used free of charge.

Ibaraki Prefecture (November 13) As
the day when the current "Ibaraki Prefecture" was born.
Free use of prefectural facilities.
Many of the schools are also closed.

Tochigi Prefecture (June 15) As
the day when "Tochigi Prefecture" and "Utsunomiya Prefecture" at that time were merged and the current "Tochigi Prefecture" was born.
Prefectural facilities can be used free of charge.
There is also a special menu at school lunch.

Gunma Prefecture (October 28) As
the day when the name "Gunma Prefecture" was used for the first time.
In addition to prefectural facilities, some private facilities are free of charge.
Prefectural high schools and universities are on vacation.

Saitama Prefecture (November 14) As
the day when the current "Saitama Prefecture" was born in the abolished feudal prefecture.
Public schools are closed.
There are also events in various places.

Chiba Prefecture (June 15) Established
as the day when the current Chiba Prefecture was born.
Free and discounted at prefectural facilities.
Schools and municipalities are also partially closed.

Tokyo (October 1) On
this day in the 31st year of the Meiji era, "Tokyo City" was born and the city hall was opened.
Facilities in the city are free.
School holidays.

"Tokai, Hokushinetsu" Toyama
Prefecture (May 9) From
the day when the government recognized the separation from neighboring Ishikawa Prefecture.
Prefectural facilities can be used free of charge.

Fukui Prefecture (February 7) Because
the current "Fukui Prefecture" was born in the abolished feudal prefecture.
Prefectural and municipal facilities are free.
Every year, there is also a "hometown school lunch".

Yamanashi Prefecture (November 20) As
the day when the current "Yamanashi Prefecture" was born.
Prefectural facilities are available free of charge.
Elementary and junior high schools are also closed.

Shizuoka Prefecture (August 21) As
the day when Hamamatsu Prefecture and Shizuoka Prefecture merged to form almost the current Shizuoka Prefecture.
Prefectural facilities are available free of charge.
There are also events by the prefecture and private businesses.

Aichi Prefecture (November 27) As
the day when Aichi Prefecture was born in the abolished feudal prefecture.
Prefectural and municipal facilities are available free of charge.
One day of the week just before the school chooses to take a day off.

Mie Prefecture (April 18) This
is because the two prefectures were merged in the abolished feudal prefecture to create the current "Mie Prefecture".
Local governments PR and so on.

Wakayama Prefecture (November 22) The
three prefectures of Kishu were merged to form the current Wakayama Prefecture.
Free release of prefectural facilities.

"China" Tottori Prefecture (September 12) As
the day when the current "Tottori Prefecture"
was born.
Free release of prefectural facilities.

"Shikoku" Ehime Prefecture (February 20) As
the day when the current "Ehime Prefecture"
was born.
Meritorious service in the prefecture is commended by the governor.

"Kyushu" Kagoshima Prefecture (July 14) As
the day when the current "Kagoshima Prefecture"
was born in the abolished feudal prefecture.
Some facilities in the prefecture are now free.
From this year, some facilities will be lit up in blue, and hands-on classes will be held at the school.