Teller Report

Large Ginkgo biloba turns yellow Hiroshima Akiota Town

11/14/2023, 6:44:36 PM

Highlights: The leaves of the giant ginkgo tree in Akiota Town, Hiroshima Prefecture, have turned yellow. The leaves of Kotoshi began to turn yellow in late October, about a week later than usual, and the best time to see them was reached this month. On the 13th, many people from outside Hiroshimaprefecture visited and took pictures of the yellow leaves illuminated by the sun and played with the yellow carpet of fallen leaves spread under the trees. Local junior high school students and members of the shrine are scheduled to clean up the fallen leaves in the shrine grounds later this year.

【NHK】The leaves of the giant ginkgo tree in Akiota Town, Hiroshima Prefecture, have turned yellow and are delighting the eyes of visitors.

The leaves of the giant ginkgo tree in Akiota Town, Hiroshima Prefecture, have turned yellow, delighting the eyes of visitors.

The giant ginkgo tree at Tsutsuga Otoshi Shrine in Akiota Town is 48 meters tall and is said to be about 1100,1 years old, and is designated as a natural monument of the prefecture.

According to the shrine priest, the leaves of Kotoshi began to turn yellow in late October, about a week later than usual, and the best time to see them was reached this month.

On the 13th, many people from outside Hiroshima Prefecture visited and took pictures of the yellow leaves illuminated by the sun and played with the yellow carpet of fallen leaves spread under the trees.

A parent and child visiting from Hiroshima City said, "I came to see it because it was beautiful last year, and I am playing with my children in the fallen leaves."

The giant ginkgo at Tsutsuga Otoshi Shrine is in full bloom at the end of this week, and local junior high school students and members of the shrine are scheduled to clean up the fallen leaves in the shrine grounds later this month.