Teller Report

Eating and comparing Miyazaki beef A class to learn the deliciousness of Miyazaki Shintomi Elementary School

11/14/2023, 6:44:02 PM

Highlights: The class was conducted by local JAs and producers to deepen children's understanding of Miyazaki beef. The "shoulder loin" and "thigh" of the beef were compared, and the children happily tasted the meat grilled in front of them. About 5% of the Miyazaki Beef produced in one year is exported overseas, according to the producers. The consumption of beef in the prefecture has been declining in recent years, so the producers want to expand overseas sales. The class was held at Kamishinta Gakuen in Shintomi Town.

【NHK】At an elementary school in Shintomi Town, Miyazaki Prefecture, a class was held to learn about the deliciousness and quality of Miyazaki beef, a local specialty, by comparing them.

At an elementary school in Shintomi Town, Miyazaki Prefecture, a class was held to learn about the deliciousness and quality of Miyazaki beef, a local specialty, by comparing them.

The class was conducted by local JAs and producers to deepen children's understanding of Miyazaki beef and promote local production for local consumption, and on the 14th, about 4 5th and 40th grade elementary school students attended at Kamishinta Gakuen in Shintomi Town.

At the beginning, producers and JA representatives introduced that Miyazaki beef has won the "Prime Minister's Award" for four consecutive years, which is the highest in the Japan at the national competition, which is held once every five years and is also called the "Olympics of Wagyu beef," and that about 5% of the Miyazaki beef produced in one year is exported overseas.

After this, the "shoulder loin" and "thigh" of Miyazaki beef were compared, and the children happily tasted the meat grilled in front of them.

A fifth-grade girl said, "I found that the shoulder loin was fattier than the thighs, and after listening to the producer's story, I wanted to eat it with a sense of gratitude."

According to JA, the consumption of Miyazaki beef in the prefecture has been declining in recent years, and the company would like to put more effort into expanding overseas sales channels in the future.