Teller Report

Beware of the new corona treatment drug "possibility of pregnancy" that cannot be used for pregnant women

11/14/2023, 6:13:16 PM

Highlights: Beware of the new corona treatment drug "possibility of pregnancy" that cannot be used for pregnant women. 14 cases of pregnancy after administration of "Zokova" have been reported by October. Japan Society for Infectious Diseases and others have issued a statement calling attention to medical institutions. The statement pointed out that many of the cases prescribed to pregnant women were cases in which there was no problem after being interviewed by a doctor and checked by a pharmacist, so even if the patient himself said that there is no possibility of pregnancy, the possibility could not be completely ruled out.

【NHK】As there are a number of cases where treatment drugs for the new coronavirus that cannot be used by pregnant women are prescribed before they realize that they are pregnant, Japan infection ...

As there have been a number of cases where drugs for the new coronavirus that cannot be used by pregnant women are prescribed before they are aware of pregnancy, the Japan Society for Infectious Diseases and others have issued a statement calling attention to medical institutions.

This statement was jointly announced on the 3th by three academic societies: the Society of Infectious Diseases Japan, the Japanese Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology Japan, and the Japan Society of Chemotherapy.

Among the drugs for the treatment of the new coronavirus, "Zokova" and "Lagevrio" cannot be used for pregnant women because they may affect the fetus, but according to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, 14 cases of pregnancy after administration of "Zokova" have been reported by October.

In the statement, the statement pointed out that many of the cases prescribed to pregnant women were cases in which there was no problem after being interviewed by a doctor, interviewed by a pharmacist, and checked by a checklist, so even if the patient himself said that there was no possibility of pregnancy, the possibility could not be completely ruled out.

He also asked doctors and pharmacists to carefully explain when prescribing and dispensing medications to women of childbearing age and to make careful decisions on whether to prescribe them.

He also issued a letter for female patients, urging them to remember the past few months and refrain from taking oral medication if there is a possibility of pregnancy before taking the medication for the new coronavirus.