Teller Report

Ana Rosa returns to politics with a harsh plea against amnesty: "With what is happening, we have to talk about these things"

11/14/2023, 10:53:00 AM

Highlights: Ana Rosa Quintana returns to politics with a harsh plea against amnesty. "With what is happening, we have to talk about these things," she says. Since the start of his new space.... Who benefits from the amnesty law? What leeway do judges have? When does it come into force? "Of course," its editorial concluded, "yesterday the streets said loudly, clearly and in a remarkably peaceful way, no to amnesty." "The President of the Government will continue with his roadmap, but he should listen to what the street is telling him, and not only the street, but also the associations," she invites Pedro Sánchez.

"With what's going on in this country, we have to talk about these things." Ana Rosa Quintana herself justified herself on Monday. Since the start of his new space...

  • Who benefits from the amnesty law? What leeway do judges have? When does it come into force?

"With what's going on in this country, we have to talk about these things." Ana Rosa Quintana herself justified herself on Monday. Since the start of her new summer show TardeAR, the journalist has complied – with rare and fruitful exceptions – with the rule imposed by the network of avoiding political issues in favour of purely entertainment content.

However, the atmosphere of mobilizations in the streets and the registration of the Amnesty Law this Monday by the PSOE with the aim of facilitating the investiture of Pedro Sánchez, whose debate will start this Wednesday in the Congress of Deputies, have made Ana Rosa Quintana jump, who has returned to her most politicized profile of the morning with a harsh allegation.

"Today we start in a special way. As you will understand, with what is happening in our country we have to talk about those things that can change the future of many Spaniards," Ana Rosa Quintana began her program on Monday. The debate on the agreement between the PSOE and Junts would occupy the first 35 minutes of the programme, with a panel discussion and several interviews led by images of this Sunday's mass mobilisations: "a real clamor, never seen in our country in more than 40 years".

Ana Rosa also brought forward her classic editorial, which in TardeAR usually closes the program, to position herself clearly against an agreement that has provoked an uprising of voices that no one, according to her, "can downplay."

"The demonstrations against the amnesty filled the streets with hundreds of thousands of citizens who opposed a law that at that time, at that time, had not yet been processed. Today we are going to talk about it", Ana Rosa began her speech, "the street has been the last to position itself against this law, before it had already been done by associations of judges, even progressives, associations of prosecutors, labour inspectors, Social Security lawyers, tax inspectors, also the self-employed, The business world, which is meeting this afternoon to express its rejection... It is a law that has the dubious honor of bringing more people together than any other... but I agree against it."

"Of course," its editorial concluded, "yesterday the streets said loudly, clearly and in a remarkably peaceful way, no to amnesty." "The President of the Government will continue with his roadmap, but he should listen to what the street is telling him, and not only the street, but also the associations," Ana Rosa Quintana invited Pedro Sánchez.

  • Ana Rosa Quintana Hortal
  • Amnesty
  • Mediaset
  • Telecinco