Teller Report

Akita City lends kerosene stoves to victims of record-breaking heavy rains in July

11/14/2023, 3:52:32 AM

Highlights: Akita City lends kerosene stoves to victims of record-breaking heavy rains in July. More than 7,500 houses in the city were flooded. The city is lending out the stoves ahead of the full-scale cold season in January. The stoves are being delivered to homes in the Nantong and Narayama districts of the city, which have been severely damaged by the heavy rains. A man in his 60s, whose parents' house was flooded, said, "All the air conditioners and other equipment were ruined"

In Akita City, where a wide area of houses was flooded by the record-breaking heavy rain in July, before the full-fledged cold of winter, an oil stove was installed for those affected by the heavy rain ...

In Akita City, where a wide area of houses was flooded by record-breaking heavy rains in July, we are lending kerosene stoves and other equipment to people affected by the heavy rains ahead of the full-fledged cold of winter.

In Akita Prefecture, the record-breaking heavy rains in July caused flooding of houses one after another, and according to the prefecture, damage has been confirmed in more than 7,5700 houses in Akita City.

Since many people are still rebuilding their lives four months after the heavy rains, Akita City is lending kerosene stoves and futons to households and other elderly people who have been affected by the heavy rains ahead of the full-scale cold season.

On the 4th, four city employees were divided into two groups and loaded stoves and futons into cars and delivered them to the Nantong and Narayama districts, which were severely damaged.

According to the city's Social Welfare Council, which serves as the contact point, more than 14 households have applied so far.

A man in his 60s, whose parents' house was flooded to the floor, said, "All the air conditioners and other equipment were ruined by the flooding.

Shota Hashimura of the Akita City Council of Social Welfare said, "There are some people whose houses have not yet been restored, so we want to rent out stoves so that they can spend this winter warm and safe."