Teller Report

After the criticism of SVT's major investment: "No canon"

11/14/2023, 5:44:01 PM

Highlights: "The History of Sweden" is supposed to draw ten parts on the country's history. After two episodes, the series has been criticized for making Norrland invisible. One of the show's producers, Björn Wahren, is responding. He says: "This is not a canon of Sweden's history, we can't tell everything, we have to choose hard""Historical after-talk – They also thought about the Roman Empire" is hosted by Nils Harnesk at the Norrbotten Museum.

The documentary series "The History of Sweden" is supposed to draw ten parts on the country's history, but only after two episodes, the series has been criticized for making Norrland invisible. Now, one of the show's producers, Björn Wahren, is responding.

Nils Harnesk is an archaeologist at the Norrbotten Museum and during "Historical after-talk – They also thought about the Roman Empire" he directs criticism at the series.

"A programme that claims to describe Sweden's history must have a good geographical representation of the whole of Sweden. I don't think that's been delivered," he says.

Björn Wahren is the producer of the programme and believes that selection is part of the process.

"When you have to boil down 15,000 years of history in ten hours of TV, you have to accept that most of it is not included," he told Kulturnyheterna.

Based on skeletal finds

After finding new finds, such as furnaces and tools that indicate the production of iron, it can be established that the development in the north about 2000 years ago had come further than previously thought. This means that iron and steel production in northern Europe was in operation at the same time as the Roman Empire.

The discovery was made when the creators of "The History of Sweden" were writing scripts.

"It was super exciting, but we've chosen to focus on getting close to the people. That's why all our stories in the section about the Stone Age are based on skeletal finds, and as far as we know, there is a shortage of skeletal finds in northern Sweden," says Björn Wahren and continues:

"This is not a canon of Sweden's history, we can't tell everything, we have to choose hard.