Teller Report

"Unconventional move": how Cameron's appointment to the post of British Foreign Secretary will affect London's course

11/14/2023, 8:44:08 AM

Highlights: Former British Prime Minister David Cameron appointed to post of Foreign Secretary. Current head of the country's Foreign Ministry, James Cleverly, will now head the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Analysts believe that Cameron's appointment will lead to a toughening of the kingdom's foreign policy, including in relation to Russia. Cameron's return to politics is due to the personnel crisis in the British establishment, experts say. He said he was "happy to accept the offer" of British PM Rishi Sunak to take over the post.

Former head of the British government, David Cameron, headed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the kingdom. At the same time, the country's Foreign Minister James Cleverly was appointed to the post of head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It is noted that these personnel changes were approved by British King Charles III. Cameron later called the conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East serious international problems. According to him, in this difficult time, it is important to support London's allies and make sure that Britain's voice is heard. According to experts, Cameron's return to politics is due to the personnel crisis in the British establishment. Analysts believe that his appointment to the post of Foreign Minister will lead to a toughening of the kingdom's foreign policy, including in relation to Russia.

The British Prime Minister's Office has confirmed the appointment of former British Prime Minister David Cameron to the post of Foreign Secretary. The current head of the country's Foreign Ministry, James Cleverly, will now head the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

"The King is pleased to approve the following appointments in the government: the Honourable James Cleverly as Home Secretary, the Honourable David Cameron as Foreign Secretary," the British government said in a statement on its website.

Cameron said he was "happy to accept the offer" of British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to take over the post. The new foreign minister of the kingdom also called the conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East serious challenges.

"We (now. — RT) We are facing a number of serious problems in the international sphere, including the war in Ukraine and the crisis in the Middle East. Rarely has it been more important for this country to stand shoulder to shoulder with its allies, strengthen its partnerships and ensure that our voices are heard, as it is now when significant global changes are taking place," Cameron wrote on social media X.

He said that while he has been "absent from the forefront of politics" for the past seven years, he still hopes that his experience — 11 years as Conservative leader and six years as prime minister — will help Sunak "meet these extremely important challenges."

"While I may disagree with some individual decisions, it is clear to me that Rishi Sunak is a strong and capable prime minister who has shown exemplary leadership. — RT) in difficult times. I want to help him deliver the security and prosperity our country needs and be part of the strongest team in the service of the UK," Cameron said.

In turn, James Cleverly called it an honor to be appointed to the post of Home Secretary of the United Kingdom.

"(Standing in front of me. — RT) The goal is clear. My job is to keep people safe in this country," he wrote on social media X.

"Took advantage of the situation"

It is worth noting that Cleverly was appointed head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs after Prime Minister Rishi Sunak fired Suella Braverman, according to the media, in connection with her article, in which she condemned the actions of the Metropolitan Police during the pro-Palestinian rally. According to Sky News, the prime minister was "forced to take action" after Braverman was accused of "undermining the operational independence of the police and public confidence in it."

As Sunak said on November 11, the day of the unrest, any crime "must be promptly stopped to the fullest extent of the law."

"That's what I said to the London police commissioner on Wednesday, that's what they're responsible for, and that's what I expect (from law enforcement). — RT)," Sunak said.

Later, on November 13, Suella Braverman, who has already been dismissed from the post of head of the British Home Office, said that she "will still have something to say when the time comes," although she did not clarify any details. She said being home minister was the "greatest honour" of her life.

  • Police officers in London
  • © JohnnyGreig

According to Alexander Kamkin, a senior researcher at the Center for Comparative and Political Studies at the Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Braverman's criticism of the actions of the police during the demonstration may indeed have seemed "too active" to Sunak and his entourage.

"The Minister of the Interior was simply unlucky – Braverman could not even imagine that claims against representatives of her own department could lead to her resignation. In fact, in this way, she signed off on her lack of professional suitability. But Rishi Sunak took advantage of the situation to strengthen his position and the position of his fellow conservatives through a reshuffle in the government," Kamkin told RT.

"Doesn't carry a lot of weight"

As Natalia Eremina, Professor of the Department of European Studies at the Faculty of International Relations of St Petersburg University, noted in an interview with RT, the appointment of David Cameron to the post of Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom is a "very interesting feint" on the part of Rishi Sunak.

"First of all, it shows that there is no one to strengthen the government at all, since they turned to Cameron. Secondly, he is considered a political adventurer, he does not carry much weight and has no authority in British society. He is a short-sighted politician, he is not a strategist, but rather a tactician and populist. He has such a reputation: he plays with the public, flirts, offers some radical solutions. But everyone can see with their own eyes how they will be implemented. All the decisions are not well thought out, they are based solely on populist appeals and on the position that everything will work itself out on its own," Eremina said.

A similar opinion is shared by Kira Godovanyuk, a leading researcher at the Center for British Studies of the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences. According to her, Cameron, while in power, made many foreign policy mistakes.

"David Cameron has always been seen as a lame duck in British politics. He was forced to resign, from the House of Commons and leave politics altogether. He was considered an unpopular British official. In fact, Cameron was the main ideologist of the bombing of the Western coalition on Libya, as a result of which no one controlled the flow of illegal migrants, and they moved uncontrollably to Europe. And this was one of the reasons for the vote in the UK against joining the EU. That is, this person made quite a lot of mistakes," she said in a comment to RT.

And now Sunak has decided to present Cameron as a "political heavyweight" of the Conservative Party, which is not true, Godovanyuk said.

Eremina drew attention to the fact that the new appointment to the post of head of the British Foreign Office took place "without relying on the opinion of voters." According to her, the Conservative Party is "in a fever all the time."

"Instead of including new, active figures, they are constantly shuffling the old deck. Apparently, the old deck is the very people who have the opportunity to influence financially, to lobby someone's interests," the analyst believes.

According to Eryomina, such reshuffles indicate Sunak's intention to strengthen the position of the government and specific people interested in having certain persons represent their interests in the Cabinet of Ministers.

"David Cameron once contributed to the career of Rishi Sunak, and Sunak also supports Cameron. There is nothing surprising in this. In this case, all friends and no persons who are not in the context, they apparently simply do not allow them," the expert believes.

  • David Cameron
  • AP
  • © Alberto Pezzali

Godovanyuk believes that such a serious personnel reshuffle is an "unconventional move" associated primarily with the "electoral strategy of the Conservative government."

"Sunak is trying to offer some kind of sensation to the electorate. The figure of Cameron, on the other hand, is designed to rally voters, to show that the Conservatives are partly returning to their dobroxite politics. Because now their position is extremely vulnerable because of right-wing sentiments that need to be balanced. It is necessary to appease those who are disillusioned with Brexit, or those who still do not support it. The prime minister sees Cameron as the ideal figure for such a goal, but it is difficult to say how viable and effective this strategy is. First, we need to understand what Cameron's first foreign policy steps will be," Godovanyuk said.

However, according to Alexander Kamkin, if the new British Foreign Secretary continues to pursue a policy "in his own style", then a number of changes can be expected in London's foreign policy.

"Cameron will pursue a more active policy towards Ukraine and the Middle East. Back in 2014, he took a pro-Ukrainian stance. Cameron is not known for his softness on Middle East issues either. Sunak is clearly choosing a tougher cabinet to build an aggressive policy of Great Britain in the current situation around the Palestinian-Israeli and Ukrainian conflicts. And together with Cameron, London's course may also become more anti-Russian, since he is from the cohort of hawks, an Atlanticist and a supporter of special relations with the United States," the expert concluded.