Teller Report

"The average daily temperature will be below zero": forecasters announced a change in the weather in the capital region in the coming week

11/12/2023, 12:41:56 PM

Highlights: "The average daily temperature will be below zero": forecasters announced a change in the weather in the capital region in the coming week. At the same time, forecasters are of the opinion that the formation of a stable snow cover is not yet expected. According to meteorologists, heavy rains are expected, as well as the transition of the average daily weather to negative values. On Thursday night, below 0 °C is forecast, daytime temperatures are expected to be slightly above this mark. Starting from Friday, daytime Temperatures will be about -1... +1 ° C, night temperatures will be lower.

In the metropolitan area, continuous rains and a drop in the average daily temperature to negative values are expected next week. As the scientific director of the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia Roman Vilfand told RT, a noticeable cold snap will begin after Wednesday, November 15. At the same time, forecasters are of the opinion that the formation of a stable snow cover is not yet expected.

In the coming week, a change in the weather is expected in the capital region, forecasters told RT. According to meteorologists, heavy rains are expected, as well as the transition of the average daily weather to negative values.

Roman Vilfand, Scientific Director of the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia, spoke about the upcoming changes in the weather. According to him, the changes will be noticeable from Wednesday, November 15.

"In the first half of the week, the temperature background will be significantly higher than the long-term values, by 4-5 degrees. But in relation to the zero mark, the average daily temperature is predicted on Monday and Tuesday in the range of +3 ° C. But on Wednesday, the circulation will begin to change," the forecaster said in an interview with RT.

According to him, on Monday, November 13, Tuesday and the first half of Wednesday, air masses will move from the south and southwest, while in the second half of Wednesday the arrival of air masses from the east and northeast will begin.

"This will lead to the fact that the temperature background will change. On Wednesday, the average daily temperature is still slightly above 0 °C, and on Thursday it is already near zero. And then on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, the temperature drops. The average daily temperature will be below zero," the expert said.

Vilfand clarified that on Monday and Tuesday the temperature both day and night will be about +2 ... +4 ° C. On Wednesday, night temperatures are expected in the range of 0 ... +2 ° C, during the day it will be +2 ... +3 ° C.

On Thursday night, below 0 °C is forecast, daytime temperatures are expected to be slightly above this mark. Starting from Friday, daytime temperatures will be about -1 ... +1 ° C, night temperatures will be lower.

  • RIA Novosti
  • © Evgeny Biyatov

"I must say that although in the second half of the week there will be a noticeable cooling, snow will not yet cover the ground in Moscow and the Moscow region. Maybe it'll be powdered. But stable snow cover is not predicted," added the scientific director of the Hydrometeorological Center.

In turn, the head of the Meteo forecasting center, Alexander Shuvalov, in an interview with RT, said that the beginning of next week in Moscow will be rainy.

"The rain will continue for at least a day and a half, Monday and the first half of Tuesday. A cyclone is coming, the center of which will be located west of Moscow. But then he will leave, we will get to the rear part, and the temperature will begin to steadily drop," Shuvalov said.

The forecaster noted that the end of the week will be absolutely different from its beginning.

"By Wednesday-Thursday, precipitation will end. Maybe even a rare snowball will fall. But the temperature will drop to 0 °C. That is, the end of the week will be completely different from the beginning of the week. At the beginning of the week, there will be rain and +5...+7 °C in the daytime, and at the end of the week there will be no precipitation and the daytime temperature will be -2...-4 °C. Night frosts will generally reach -5...-8 °C, and in the region up to -10 °C," the RT interlocutor concluded.

Normal weather in the apartment during the heating season

Earlier, Roskachestvo told RT that the temperature in the apartment during the heating season should be at least +18 ° C (in corner rooms - at least + 20 ° C).

As Igor Pozdnyakov, Deputy Director of the Department of Consumer Rights Protection and Development of the Quality of Financial Services of Roskachestvo, explained, there may be interruptions in heating, but insignificant: no more than 24 hours (in total) within one month.

If the batteries are cold, it is necessary to contact the emergency service, the management company or the service provider directly, Pozdnyakov said.