Teller Report

This is where the moose family takes to the road

11/10/2023, 6:11:35 PM

Highlights: Emilia Lind was driving home from training in Gothenburg, Sweden. A family of four moose got out on the road and she drove straight into it. She escaped without injury, but her car was destroyed in the crash. Emilia had only had her driver's license for two and a half months before the crash, says she feels scared to get back on the roads. The other drivers who had stopped went out to help Emilia, who had survived the crash and was uninjured.

A family of moose got out on the road when Emilia Lind came driving in Billdal in Gothenburg. Suddenly, one of the owners appeared in front of the car and she drove straight into it – but escaped without injury.

Emilia Lind, who had just gotten her driver's license, was driving home from training at 21 p.m. on Tuesday evening. When she arrived on road 158 in Billdal in Gothenburg, she noticed that the cars in the opposite direction were stationary.

What she didn't know was that a family of four moose had made it onto the road. Moments later, one of the moose crosses over to Emilia's lane and she drives straight into it.

"What's so sick for mum and dad is that you should be careful with moose when it starts to get dark this time of year.

Escaped without injury

Afterwards, the moose got up and walked away. The other drivers who had stopped went out to help Emilia, who had survived the crash.

"I was so lucky. If you look at the car, it was completely destroyed but I only got some glass shards on me.

Just got your driver's license

Emilia, who had only had a driver's license for two and a half months before the crash, says she feels scared to get back on the road.

"I'm just trying to keep in mind that it went very well and that the probability of colliding with a moose twice is not that great.