Teller Report

Sharply increased patient fees proposed – decision next week

11/10/2023, 3:41:23 PM

Highlights: Sharply increased patient fees proposed – decision next week. Now it's going to be more expensive to go to the doctor. According to a proposal to the politicians in Region Värmland's health and medical care committee, the fee for a visit to the health center is increased from SEK 200 to SEK 300. At the same time, the aim is to encourage more digital consultations. The fee for an online doctor's appointment will remain unchanged. A decision will be made on Tuesday next week, SVT reports.

Now it's going to be more expensive to go to the doctor. According to a proposal to the politicians in Region Värmland's health and medical care committee, the fee for a visit to the health center is increased from SEK 200 to SEK 300.

The region needs to increase its revenue. The last time the outpatient fee was changed in Värmland was in 2012, but now the region wants to adapt the fees to the cost trend that has been recently.

At the same time, the aim is to encourage more digital consultations. Therefore, the fee for an online doctor's appointment will remain unchanged. In other words, it is cheaper to seek care digitally than to go to the health centre. On the other hand, the fee for prescription renewal and extension of sick leave will also be increased from SEK 100 to SEK 150. And if you fail to attend a care visit, it will, according to the proposal, cost SEK 600, i.e. double the outpatient fee.

The high-cost protection will also be increased

It is also proposed that fees for inpatient care be increased. A patient admitted to hospital will pay a tenner more per day, an increase from SEK 120 to SEK 130, while patients booked into the patient hotel will receive an increase from SEK 80 per day to SEK 130 per day.

The high-cost protection will also be increased – from SEK 1300,1400 to SEK <>,<>.

The proposed increases in patient fees are estimated to give Region Värmland SEK 30 million in increased revenue.

A decision will be made on Tuesday next week.

Watch the clip to see what some Värmlanders that SVT met outside the health center in Kil think about the proposed increases in patient fees.