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Can insomnia be hereditary? New research shows that children's sleep quality is genetically influenced

11/9/2023, 8:41:25 AM

Highlights: New research shows that children's sleep quality is genetically influenced. Children who are genetically predisposed to insomnia have more sleep problems. Experts say that genetic predisposition is only part of the problem. If at least one parent has a chronic insomnia disorder, it is important to develop healthy sleep habits as early as possible. The study clearly shows that the earliest signs of insomnia risk are already present in early childhood. The findings are "likely to come as a surprise to most people" because we tend to think that insomnia develops later in life., Beijing, November 11 A study published in the international journal Child Psychology and Psychiatry on the 9th shows that children's sleep quality is affected by genetic predisposition.

According to CNN, the study analyzed data from 2458,<> children in Europe and found that children who are genetically predisposed to insomnia have more sleep problems, such as difficulty falling asleep or waking up frequently in their sleep.

According to the report, the genetic predisposition to sleep problems such as insomnia has been found several times in previous studies in adults, leading scientists to wonder if the same phenomenon occurs in children. The study proves that genetic conditions that affect sleep patterns in adults can also affect children's sleep quality, suggesting that the genetic predisposition of "sleep difficulties" can also be found in the early stages of life.

Eus Van Someren, head of the Department of Sleep and Cognition at the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience, said the findings were "likely to come as a surprise to most people" because we tend to think that insomnia develops later in life, but the study clearly shows that the earliest signs of insomnia risk are already present in early childhood.

If at least one parent has a chronic insomnia disorder, it is important to develop healthy sleep habits as early as possible. Experts say that genetic predisposition is only part of the problem, and we can still make a difference by keeping our children's sleep healthy. (ENDS)