Teller Report

Region: Why you should register in the donor register

11/7/2023, 5:30:47 PM

Highlights: National Board of Health and Welfare wants to get more people to donate organs. Last year, two people donated their organs to nine other people in need via Nyköping Hospital. In 2022, close to 3,000 people in Sörmland went via the website and registered their interest in becoming an organ donor. The donation week is now being carried out during week 45 in several parts of the country. The National Board of health and welfare wants to raise awareness of the need for organ donation.

If you or a loved one died today, would your body's organs be allowed to be donated? The fateful question is asked even more this week when the National Board of Health and Welfare and the region want to get more donors.

The donation week is now being carried out during week 45 in several parts of the country.

In the foyer of the hospital in Nyköping, the region's donation manager Maria Berg stands in the mornings and tries to arouse the interest of the passers-by.

Two donors "saved nine lives"

In 2022, according to the National Board of Health and Welfare's statistics, close to 3,000 people in Sörmland went via the website and registered their interest in becoming an organ donor.

And according to Maria Berg, it pays off. Last year, for example, two people donated their organs to nine other people in need via Nyköping Hospital.

"Two people saved nine lives," says Mara Berg.

Watch the clip: The nurse explains – that's why a registration is important for relatives as well.