Teller Report

My Number Card Medical information viewing system for emergency transport

11/7/2023, 8:41:12 PM

Highlights: My Number Card medical information viewing system for emergency transport. In order to quickly carry out emergency transport, the Fire and Disaster Management Agency of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) has a My Number card integrated with the health insurance card. The necessary cost of 3 million yen will be included in this year's supplementary budget proposal. The consent of the patient is required to read the card, but we will consider making it available for viewing at the discretion of the emergency services in cases where the victim is unconscious.

In order to quickly carry out emergency transport, the Fire and Disaster Management Agency of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) has a My Number card integrated with the health insurance card read the My Number card at the scene and the history of hospital visits ...

In order to expedite emergency transport, the Fire and Disaster Management Agency of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications has decided to introduce a system that allows emergency services to read the My Number Card, which is integrated with the health insurance card, at the scene and view information such as hospital visit history. We have decided to include the necessary expenses in this year's supplementary budget proposal.

Emergency services that receive requests for emergency transport use the information from patients and related parties at the scene to determine where to transport them, but in some cases, they are unable to obtain accurate information and take prompt measures on site.

For this reason, the Fire and Disaster Management Agency of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications has decided to introduce a system that allows emergency services to read the card on site using a special tablet and view medical information when a patient has a My Number Card that is integrated with the health insurance card.

With the introduction of this system, in addition to names and dates of birth, information such as medical institutions that have visited the hospital and prescribed medications can be viewed, which is useful for life-saving measures at the scene and for selecting medical institutions to transport.

The consent of the patient is required to read the card, but we will consider making it available for viewing at the discretion of the emergency services in cases where the patient is unconscious.

The Fire and Disaster Management Agency of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications plans to conduct a demonstration project at about 50 fire departments nationwide in the next fiscal year, and the necessary cost of 3 million yen will be included in this year's supplementary budget proposal.