Teller Report

Hundreds of visitors to the library – even though it was closed

11/7/2023, 4:51:22 PM

Highlights: More than 200 books were borrowed at the Gothenburg City Library. Staff forgot to lock the door and people went in to use the computers. "It could have gone badly, but it's thanks to the people that it didn't," says the library's manager. The library was closed for the day, but staff were able to return the books to their rightful owners after they had been borrowed by people who thought the library was open for a few hours. "You borrowed your books, you didn't take them. You didn't make a mess. And I think it's great to see the good considering everything that's happening today," he says.

On Saturday, more than 200 books were borrowed at the Gothenburg City Library – even though the library was closed. The staff had forgotten to lock the door and there were many visitors who thought it was open. After the faux pas, the boss is still satisfied. "It's a sunshine story," says Annacarin Elf, Operations Manager at Gothenburg City Library.

The underlying reason why the library was open was that someone had forgotten to lock a door and that visitors assumed it was open and went in as usual. Over 400 people read newspapers, borrowed books and used the computers without causing any problems.

"You borrowed your books, you didn't take them. You sat and read, you didn't make a mess. And I think it's great to see the good there considering everything that's happening today.

The evacuation proceeded peacefully

During the afternoon, the rumor that the library was open without staffing reached all the way to the staff. Once on site, staff and Securitas helped to evacuate the premises.

"It could have gone badly, but it didn't, and it's thanks to the people that it didn't go badly," says Annacarin Elf, operations manager at the City Library.