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Genoveva Casanova denies rumors of romance with Prince Frederik of Denmark: "We are friends and the photos don't prove anything"

11/7/2023, 9:10:50 PM

Highlights: Genoveva Casanova denies rumors of romance with Prince Frederik of Denmark. "We are friends and the photos don't prove anything", she says. The magazine has explained that a series of coincidences have involved Genoveva with the Danish prince. The two had dinner at El Corral de la Morería, a centrally located restaurant that is home to the most famous flamenco tablao in the world. The son of Queen Margrethe II of Denmark and the ex of Cayetano de Martínez de Irujo enjoyed a long walk.

They didn't wear sunglasses, or a scarf, or a hat. Frederick of Denmark (55) and Genoveva Casanova (48) have been photographed in broad daylight strolling together through the park of the...

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They didn't wear sunglasses, or a scarf, or a hat. Federico of Denmark (55) and Genoveva Casanova (48) have been photographed in broad daylight strolling together in Madrid's Retiro Park. The son of Queen Margrethe II of Denmark and the ex of Cayetano de Martínez de Irujo enjoyed a long walk in a friendly attitude and without hiding from anyone. Later, the two had dinner at El Corral de la Morería, a centrally located restaurant that is home to the most famous flamenco tablao in the world.

Those 12 hours of mutual companionship have been the protagonists of the cover of the magazine Lecturas, which has published this bombshell report exclusively. Hours earlier, Vanitatis gave a succinct description of the photographic material to which some gossip publications have had access. In view of the commotion caused, the publication of the cover has been brought forward with some extra information.

Princess Mary and Prince Frederick with the King and Queen of Spain on Tuesday, November 7, 2023GTRES

"It's almost seven o'clock in the evening. A man and a woman, he with a beard, she with an elegant demeanor and her coat on her shoulders, leave the Retiro Park. They walk and talk relaxed. No one notices them or the two escorts who follow them at a safe distance. They are Prince Frederik of Denmark and Genevieve Casanova, who go completely unnoticed," says the online pre-publication.

"This Wednesday an extensive report on the night together of the heir to the throne and Genoveva Casanova will be published in the pages of our magazine. Oblivious to the gaze, they strolled through Madrid, enjoyed a dinner in their strictest company and spent the night," they reveal.

Princess Mary and Prince Frederick this weekGTREs

In the face of this commotion prior to publication, Genoveva has spoken out clearly. "I want to make it very clear that I have no relationship with him, as he is letting himself go. We're friends and the pictures don't prove anything. Except for those who want to distort the images and see where there are none. We have common friends and I don't go around telling who my friends are," the Mexican told Paloma Barrientos.

In a conversation with the journalist for Vanitatis, the actress said: "Do you think I was going to walk with him in the public places of Madrid if there was a relationship beyond friendship? I am deeply hurt by the malicious comments that may be made." In another similar conversation with journalist Daniel Carande for Diez Minutos, he was even more blunt: "There is no love relationship, of course, we have many friends in common.

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Friends for Art

Before the person involved spoke, Hola was the first post to give context to the images. The magazine has explained that a series of coincidences have involved Genoveva with the Danish prince, who was in Spain as part of a private trip with university friends.

According to ¡Hola!, Federico from Denmark had planned to make a cultural plan in Madrid to enjoy the museums, gastronomy and music of the capital. A friend that the prince and Cayetano's ex have in common was going to accompany him that day to visit the exhibition Picasso, the sacred and the profane at the Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza. However, the friend fell ill with Covid, according to the same publication.

It was then that this friend asked Genevieve to accompany the Danish heir to the art gallery. The former partner of the Duchess of Alba's son is passionate and knowledgeable about art, which is why she was for years Director of Projects and Institutional Relations at the Casa de Alba Foundation.

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Official Statement

At the moment, Frederick of Denmark is in his country, where the King and Queen of Spain are also on an official trip. The heir; his mother, Queen Margrethe II, and his wife, Princess Mary, have met with King Felipe and Queen Letizia. Both royal families attended several official events before their gala dinner began at Christiansborg Palace.

Genoveva, for her part, continues to recover. Months ago, he suffered from respiratory insufficiency whose ailments still remain. "Sometimes I'm short of breath. It was a tremendous scare. And it helped me to think about many things in my life. I feel very different. More at ease with the world. I see everything with more relativity. And I take advantage of the little things much more," the former Masterchef Celebrity contestant said in an interview.

  • Denmark