Teller Report

FSB detained counterfeiters who printed up to 2 billion rubles a year

11/7/2023, 9:01:28 AM

Highlights: FSB detained counterfeiters who printed up to 2 billion rubles a year. The criminals carried out illegal activities in Moscow and St. Petersburg, Moscow, Rostov, Volgograd and Belgorod regions. In the course of 144 searches, more than 20 million counterfeit rubles were seized, as well as equipment for making fakes. In March, the activities of a criminal group were suppressed on the territory of Dagestan, whose members produced and sold counterfeit banknotes with a face value of five thousand rubles.

The FSB announced the detention of a group of counterfeiters, who worked in seven regions of Russia and printed up to 2 billion counterfeit rubles a year.

"The activities of an interregional organized criminal community specializing in the production and wholesale of high-quality counterfeit tickets of the Central Bank of Russia with a face value of 5000,<> rubles on the territory of seven subjects were suppressed," the statement said.

It is specified that the criminals carried out illegal activities in Moscow and St. Petersburg, Moscow, Rostov, Volgograd and Belgorod regions, as well as in Dagestan and Crimea.

According to the intelligence service, the work of the group was clearly organized, but the department's employees managed to document the work of the entire chain. In the course of the production, the criminals were engaged in the creation of electronic images, the application of security elements, as well as other processes of printing money, each of which went to five different addresses.

A total of 24 members of the group were detained. In the course of 144 searches, more than 20 million counterfeit rubles were seized, as well as equipment for making fakes.

In March, the activities of a criminal group were suppressed on the territory of Dagestan, whose members produced and sold counterfeit banknotes with a face value of five thousand rubles.