Teller Report

Fallen Swedes are hung out on the street in Moscow

11/7/2023, 4:21:45 PM

Highlights: Six signs placed at a bus stop outside the Swedish Embassy in Moscow. They tell passers-by about Swedish cooperation with Nazi Germany during World War II and support for today's Ukraine. Two Swedish men, who died in Ukraine, are hung out with their names and pictures, along with the text: "Experience shows that the failed alliance between Sweden and Ukraine will inevitably lead to a repetition of the fate suffered by their predecessors in 1709 at Poltava" Behind the campaign is the "Russian Military History Society" founded in 2012 by President Vladimir Putin.

Two Swedish men who died during the war in Ukraine are hung out in an exhibition on the open street in Moscow. The exhibition compares Sweden's support for today's Ukraine with Swedish support for Nazi Germany during World War II.

SVT has previously reported on campaigns outside the Swedish Embassy in Moscow, including one in which well-known Swedes are accused of being Nazis.

And now it's that time again. On the night of Thursday, six signs were placed at a bus stop outside the embassy.

The exhibition, which is titled "The History of Swedish Russophobia in Brief", tells passers-by about, among other things, Swedish cooperation with Nazi Germany during World War II and support for today's Ukraine.

Hanging Out the Dead

A sign tells of what the campaigners describe as "a Nazi relapse" and mentions that the former Sweden Democrat member of parliament Carolina Nordengrip enlisted in the Ukrainian army.

On the same sign it is claimed that the abbreviation of the Sweden Democrats' party name, SD, is a "copy" of the name of the German Nazi unit Waffen-SS.

Another sign describes Swedish arms deliveries to the Ukrainian army. On the same poster, two Swedish men, who died in Ukraine, are hung out with their names and pictures, along with the text: "Experience shows that the failed alliance between Sweden and Ukraine will inevitably lead to a repetition of the fate suffered by their predecessors in 1709 at Poltava."

Government organisation stands behind

Behind the campaign, which was disseminated by the Russian state news agency Ria Novosti, is the "Russian Military History Society". It is an organization founded in 2012 by President Vladimir Putin and headed by former Russian Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky.

SVT has reached out to the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs for a comment.