Teller Report

UK and Ireland point to Spanish swimming pools after detecting intestinal parasite in hundreds of tourists

11/6/2023, 9:20:37 AM

Highlights: UK and Ireland point to Spanish swimming pools after detecting intestinal parasite in hundreds of tourists. This protozoan, Cryptosporidium, causes an intestinal infection called cryptosporidiosis. For this reason, they ask "not to consume drinks with ice" and to "check if the tap water is treated" When traveling to Spain, make sure that the water you are drinking is treated before you drink it, says the UK health service. For its part, the United Kingdom estimates that around 600 patients have suffered from cryptos poridiosis after passing through Spain.

The European Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (ECDC) has been warning for some time about the rise of an intestinal parasite detected in hundreds of people across Europe.

The European Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (ECDC) has been warning for some time about the rise of an intestinal parasite detected in hundreds of people across Europe.

This protozoan, Cryptosporidium, causes an intestinal infection called cryptosporidiosis. But the health services of the United Kingdom and Ireland go further and point directly to the holiday resorts of Spain.

In these countries they have detected the presence of this parasite in hundreds of patients who had spent their holidays in Spain and, in a statement issued by Ireland, they blame the water of our country since this disease is usually associated with swimming pool water.

For this reason, they ask "not to consume drinks with ice" and to "check if the tap water is treated" when traveling to Spain.

For its part, the United Kingdom estimates that around 600 patients have suffered from cryptosporidiosis, whose main symptoms are abdominal pain and diarrhea, after passing through Spain.

For this reason, according to research published in that country, the data "suggest that many cases may be related to international travel, especially to Spain and other Mediterranean countries".

  • Ireland
  • United Kingdom
  • Infectious diseases