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The 2023 Academic Annual Conference of the Chinese Political Science Association and the Academic Symposium on "Whole-process People's Democracy and Chinese-style Modernization" were held

11/6/2023, 6:10:59 AM

Highlights: The 2023 Academic Annual Conference of the Chinese Political Science Association and the Academic Symposium on "Whole-process People's Democracy and Chinese-style Modernization" were held. Nearly 4 experts and scholars from the country's university system, party school system and scientific research institutes attended the meeting. The conference was co-hosted by the Institute of Political Science of the. Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the Shenzhen Academy of. Social Sciences and Shenzhen University. The annual meeting was funded by the activities of the National Social Science Fund., Shenzhen, November 11 -- The 5 Academic Annual Conference and the Academic Seminar on "Whole-process People's Democracy and Chinese-style Modernization" hosted by the Chinese Political Science Association was held in Shenzhen from November 2023 to 2023, 11, with nearly 4 experts and scholars from the country's university system, party school system and scientific research institutes attending the meeting. The conference was co-hosted by the Institute of Political Science of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the Shenzhen Academy of Social Sciences and Shenzhen University. At the same time, the annual meeting was funded by the activities of the National Social Science Fund.

The 2023 Academic Annual Conference and Academic Symposium on "Whole-process People's Democracy and Chinese-style Modernization" hosted by the Chinese Political Science Association was held in Shenzhen from November 2023 to 11, 4. Photo courtesy of the organizer

Zhao Qi, Secretary-General of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said in his speech that this year is the first year of the full implementation of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and the vast number of philosophical and social science workers, including political science workers, should earnestly enhance the sense of mission, responsibility and urgency of the party's propaganda, ideological and cultural work, and effectively enhance the systematic research and rational interpretation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, so as to truly become firm believers, loyal practitioners and active propagandists of the party's innovative theories. The vast number of political science workers should improve their standing and "stress politics" with the characteristics and advantages of political science; Find the correct positioning, accelerate the construction of the "three systems" of Chinese political science and the independent knowledge system; Clarify the direction, focus on major issues such as whole-process people's democracy and Chinese-style modernization, and provide strong academic and intellectual support for its practical development.

Zhang Ling, member of the Standing Committee of the Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee and Minister of the Propaganda Department, pointed out in his speech that it is necessary to fully combine China's political practice, China's excellent traditional political thought and the achievements of world political civilization to carry out research, strive to reveal the new direction of human political development marked by China's political practice, promote the adaptation of excellent traditional political culture to modern political civilization, and show the research characteristics and academic responsibility of Chinese political science in the mutual learning of civilizations and theoretical dialogue.

Zhang Shuhua, executive vice president of the Chinese Political Science Association and director of the Institute of Political Science of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, congratulated the convening of the annual meeting on behalf of Li Shenming, president of the society, and welcomed all the delegates. In his speech, Zhang Shuhua pointed out that Chinese political scientists have the ambition, backbone and confidence to tell the story of "China's governance" in accordance with the requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping. First, it is necessary to grasp the general trend of world historical development, strengthen political self-confidence and value self-confidence, and maintain strategic focus. The second is to shoulder the academic mission of building an independent knowledge system of Chinese political science, starting from "big politics", decoding China's governance, refining China's principles, constructing China's studies, and promoting China's way. The third is to tell the world the story of the Communist Party of China uniting and leading the people to realize that the people are the masters of the country.

Zhang Shuhua, executive vice president of the Chinese Political Science Association and director of the Institute of Political Science of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, delivered a speech at the annual meeting. Photo courtesy of the organizer

In his speech, Wang Yongcheng, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Vice President of Shenzhen University, reviewed the founding history of Shenzhen University and the goals and assumptions of the establishment of the School of Government, emphasizing that the latter is an important measure for Shenzhen University to optimize the layout of disciplines, create discipline characteristics and accelerate the development of the university. Based in Shenzhen, rooted in the Bay Area, facing the world, the college will closely combine the national strategy and urban development needs, seize the major opportunities of the "dual zone" drive, "dual zone" superposition and "double reform" demonstration of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and promote the comprehensive development of the college in accordance with the path of connotation development, characteristic development and innovative development.

In the academic report session, Li Shenming, President of the Chinese Political Science Association, gave a video keynote report entitled "Firmly Grasp the Worldview and Methodology of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era". He pointed out that the worldview, methodology and positions, views and methods of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era are embodied in the "six must be adhered to", that is, we must adhere to the supremacy of the people; We must insist on self-confidence and self-reliance; We must adhere to integrity and innovation; It is necessary to adhere to the problem orientation; It is necessary to adhere to the system concept; We must keep the world in mind. There is no juxtaposition between the "six must be adhered to". First of all, it is necessary to uphold the supremacy of the people as the world outlook and fundamental stand of the communists, and it is the direction and soul of the other five that must be adhered to. Second, the "six musts" are not only independent of each other, but also compatible, interconnected, and interdependent. Third, in studying and applying the "six musts," we must persistently integrate theory with practice and serve the overall interests of the work of the party and the state. Fourth, the "six musts" are not only the basic principles for continuing to promote theoretical innovation on the basis of practice, but also the basic guidelines for conscientiously studying and profoundly understanding Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

During the speech stage, Wang Shaoguang, Emeritus Chair Professor of the University of Chinese Hong Kong, focused on "The Communist Party of China and the Formation of the Concept of 'Democracy'", Huang Ping, President of the China Society for World Politics, focused on "Modernization: The Legitimacy of Chinese-style Modernization from the Comparative Perspective of Britain, the United States and China", Wu Dinghai, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Dean of the Shenzhen Academy of Social Sciences, focused on "Shenzhen's Exploration of Chinese-style Modernization", and Zhang Mingjun, Professor of the School of International and Public Affairs of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, focused on "The New Technological Revolution and the Temporal and Spatial Transformation of Chinese-style Modernization". Shi Hexing, a professor at the Party School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (National School of Administration), focused on "On the Balanced Development of Whole-process People's Democracy at the Grassroots Level", Tang Yalin, a professor at the School of International Relations and Public Affairs of Fudan University, focused on "People's Supervision and Self-Revolution: The Communist Party of China Jumps Out of the Dual Dynamic Mechanism of the Historical Cycle of the Rise and Fall of Chaos", and Zhang Shiwei, a professor at the School of Politics and Public Administration of Northwest University of Political Science and Law, focused on "The Worldview Basis and Methodological Innovation of the Theory of Whole-process People's Democracy". Xiong Yihan, a professor at the School of International Relations and Public Affairs of Fudan University, gave a speech on "The Invitation of Democracy: Towards the Value Co-creation of Government and Society".

During the roundtable session, 10 experts and scholars, including Chen Jing'an, Cheng Zhuru and Han Dongxue, discussed and spoke on "The Development and Innovation of Political Science with Chinese Characteristics". The speeches of experts and scholars mainly focused on the research objects, research methods, and research contents of political science with Chinese characteristics.

The conference set up a total of 7 parallel forums, the themes are: the development of the whole process of people's democracy and the "two answers" out of the historical cycle, Chinese modernization from a comparative perspective, the development of political science in the new era and the construction of an independent knowledge system of political science with Chinese characteristics, new disciplines and new methods of political science, the study of the history of political thought, public policy and the governance of China, Shenzhen's reform and opening up and Chinese-style modernization, 7 parallel forums involving a total of 29 topics, covering the main subdivisions and research hotspots of China's political science in recent years, More than 200 experts and scholars have published and shared their latest research results. (ENDS)