Teller Report

Nutritionist: to maintain health in the fall, it is worth adding colored products to the diet

11/6/2023, 2:10:09 AM

Highlights: Nutritionist: to maintain health in the fall, it is worth adding colored products to the diet. Sea buckthorn and cranberries should be drunk without added sugar. Sugar "turns off" the immune system, and in the period after its use it is enough just to catch some virus. Do not ignore all colored products. They also play an important role in maintaining and strengthening theimmune system. Everything that is now on the shelves, everything that is available, should be in the diet," the expert concluded.

Certified health coach, nutritionist, nutritionist Alyona Stepanova, in an interview with RT, stated the need to include colored vegetables and fruits in the diet in the autumn. According to her, such a measure will help strengthen and support the immune system in the cold season.

"Now it is important to include in the diet those products that contain vitamin C. First of all, these are sea buckthorn and cranberries. An important clarification: drinks made from these berries, such as fruit drinks or compotes, should be drunk without added sugar. Sugar "turns off" the immune system, and in the period after its use, it is enough just to catch some virus. In addition, you should also pay attention to rose hips. It can be brewed and drunk as tea," Stepanova said.

At the same time, the nutritionist advised to diversify the diet as much as possible in the cold season. So, among other things, you can add healthy fats to it, such as oily fish.

"Also, we should not forget about useful supplements, such as omega-3, vitamin D," the RT interlocutor said.

Do not ignore all colored products. They also play an important role in maintaining and strengthening the immune system.

"After all, they contain, among other things, antioxidants, and these are the protectors of our body, to put it simply. Everything that is now on the shelves, everything that is available, should be in the diet," the expert concluded.

Earlier, the head of the medical department of the KDL laboratory network, Olga Malinovskaya, said that the immune system in the fall is affected by a change in the daily regimen.