Teller Report

Focusing on the "three major positions" of the Expo, President Xi Jinping put forward new requirements

11/6/2023, 2:50:22 AM

Highlights: Focusing on the "three major positions" of the CIIE, President Xi Jinping put forward new requirements. He said: "High-level opening-up" is the "high-frequency word" of previous CIIEs. He added: "We will better provide international public goods and services shared by the world" More than 3400,000 people from around the world have attended this year's C IIE in Shanghai. It is the first time that the exhibition has fully resumed after a two-year break.

On November 11, President Xi Jinping sent a letter to the 5th China International Import Expo, putting forward new requirements around the "three major positioning" of the Expo——

It is hoped that the CIIE will accelerate the improvement of the window function of building a new development pattern and provide new opportunities for the world with China's new development.

Give full play to the role of a platform to promote high-level opening-up, so that China's big market will become a big market shared by the world;

We will better provide international public goods and services shared by the world, help promote the construction of an open world economy, and bring win-win cooperation to the world.

Since 2018, President Xi Jinping has delivered keynote speeches or addresses at the opening ceremony of the CIIE for five consecutive years. Last year, President Xi Jinping clearly put forward the "three major positions" of the Expo: "a window for building a new development pattern", "a platform for promoting high-level opening-up", and "an international public good shared by the world".

At present, the momentum of world economic recovery is insufficient, and it is all the more necessary for all countries to work together and seek common development. President Xi Jinping's letter put forward new requirements for the "three major positions" with the key words of "accelerating upgrading", "giving full play" and "better provision", which not only strengthens and enhances the functional role of the CIIE, but also demonstrates China's firm determination to promote high-level opening-up and promote the construction of an open world economy.

Accelerate the improvement of the window function of building a new development pattern——

President Xi Jinping has repeatedly stressed that the new development pattern "is by no means a closed domestic circulation, but a more open domestic and international dual circulation". As the world's first import-themed national-level exhibition, CIIE has the characteristics of both exhibitors and exhibits from abroad, and its role in connecting domestic and international markets is particularly prominent.

Since 2018, the CIIE has been held every year without interruption, and the "window function" of promoting dual circulation has been further strengthened.

The fruitful results are vividly proven: a total of 5 countries and international organizations participated in the national exhibitions in the first five CIIEs, more than 131,1 exhibitors participated in the enterprise exhibitions, about 58,2000 new products, new technologies and new services were launched, and the intended turnover was nearly 3500 billion US dollars.

Expand the breadth and strengthen the connection between the larger "circle of friends". This year's CIIE is the first time that offline exhibitions have fully resumed after the pandemic, with 500 Fortune 289 companies and industry leading enterprises participating in the exhibition, which is the "most" in the past.

Deep extension, deeper integration to promote mutual benefit and win-win results. Among the more than 3400,200 contracted exhibitors, more than 6 are "full-time students" who have participated in the CIIE for six consecutive years. From "returning customers" to "returning customers" to "resident customers", more exhibitors have become investors, taking root in the Chinese market.

Opening up the two markets will bring development opportunities to the world and inject vitality into China's own development. More and more new products, new technologies and new services are making their debut here and entering the Chinese market, further driving China's industrial upgrading and consumption upgrading, contributing to high-quality development and providing more new opportunities for the world.

Give full play to the role of a platform to promote high-level openness——

"High-level opening-up" is the "high-frequency word" of previous CIIEs. From actively expanding imports, to continuing to relax market access, from creating a world-class business environment, to creating a new highland for opening up, this high-level open platform continues to send out a strong voice of openness.

The implementation of the measures has witnessed China's commitment to expanding opening-up: adding the Lingang New Area of the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone, accelerating the construction of the Hainan Free Trade Port, continuously reducing the negative list for foreign investment access, and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (RCEP) has come into full effect...

Expanding imports reflects the magnetic charm of China's big market: "The Chinese market is so big, everyone is welcome to come and see it." Today, Shanghai, the host of the Expo, has introduced nearly 27,3230 kinds of exhibits and imported goods worth more than 5 billion yuan. China is the world's second-largest importer of goods. In the next five years, China's import and export volume of trade in goods and services is expected to exceed 32 trillion US dollars and 5 trillion US dollars.

From opening up to the outside world 45 years ago to joining the WTO 22 years ago; From the Belt and Road Initiative proposed 10 years ago to the successive holding of the China International Import Expo, China's door has opened wider and wider.

Better provide international public goods and services shared by the world——

In the face of the acceleration of the world's major changes unseen in a century and the sluggish recovery of the world economy, the CIIE, as an international public good, will continue to promote the expansion of the sharing cake and inject vitality into the global economy.

A Afghan wool carpet sold in China means a year's income for a local mountain family; It only takes 6 months for a new drug for rare diseases to be used in the market from the debut of the CIIE, and the shorter time to market brings good news to patients... The stories of the CIIE continue to improve people's livelihood and well-being.

The exhibition area of the "Belt and Road" countries has increased by about 30% compared with the previous session; Of the 69 countries participating in the national exhibition, 16 are LDCs; By providing some free booths, China has promoted the entry of products from least developed countries into the Chinese market... China has been taking action to make the global market cake bigger with a more open mind and take measures, make the global sharing mechanism more practical, and make the global cooperation mode more vigorous.

Thousands of miles of the Yangtze River, the confluence of hundreds of rivers finally into the sea. With the CIIE as a window, China is working with the world to create a better future with a more open and confident attitude.

Planner: Huo Xiaoguang, Jiang Wei

Producers: Wang Yongqian, Zhang Xudong

Authors: Yu Jiaxin, Xie Xiyao, He Xinrong

Co-ordinator: Luo Hui, Liu Dongkai, Wang Xuan, Yang Jinxin

Visual Editors: Zhang Hongsheng, Tang Xing

Jointly produced by Xinhua News Agency and Shanghai Branch

Produced by Xinhua News Agency No. 1 Studio

(Source: Xinhua News Agency)