Teller Report

Can Hamas resistance really be eliminated?

11/6/2023, 1:31:15 PM

Highlights: Can Hamas resistance really be eliminated?. Hamas' survival or termination depends on the extent of its commitment to its principles and keenness to perform the mission for which it has been assigned. The quest of Israel – or its allies – to eliminate it in particular, or the resistance in general – is not new to the Palestinian people. The corruption and goodness of the resistance from within, and what is from outside it are auxiliary factors, not the main factors for its survival or end. Military force – whatever its destruction – does not end an idea, and ideas and ideologies do not with a security solution.

Hamas' survival or termination depends on the extent of its commitment to its principles and keenness to perform the mission for which it has been assigned or the nation has delegated to it, and the mission it has not yet achieved, which is the liberation of Palestine.

Can Hamas be ended and eliminated? This is a question posed by both the enemy and the friend, as it is from the enemy a wish, a goal, and a plan to achieve it. And from the friend: fear and anxiety, for a resistance movement that it and its sisters represent the nation in its great battle: Palestine and the holy sites, and the secret of asking the question: what the Israeli leaders announced that their goal of the war on Gaza - with this unprecedented might - is to completely eliminate Hamas, and the resistance in Gaza.

I believe that one of the moral goals - which the Zionist entity wanted to achieve - is this question, which alleviates the impact of the disaster that befell it, and transfers the severe psychological pressure on it from its society, to the party of its opponent and enemy: Hamas and the resistance, and their popular incubator internally and externally.

Resistance is in a state of steadfastness, not brokenness

Therefore, the question does not come in a natural context, as it is raised at a time when the resistance is brilliant, whether in terms of its qualitative operations in the "Al-Aqsa flood", or in terms of its performance on the battlefield, and its high morale - despite the pain of the heinous massacres committed by the enemy - as well as in terms of the resistance's strong, clear, and credible discourse. In the past few days, the public interaction with the speeches of "Abu Obeida" proved this, if the observer reviewed the extent of interaction on social media, social media - and the tricks that the pro-resistance masses go to, in order to bypass the trap of the ban on Facebook, and others - he would realize that the question does not come in context, although it is an obsession and concern for lovers and supporters of the resistance.

Internal survival and termination factors

With the foregoing, however, we address the answer to the question, or think about it, systematically as possible, and here we must recall an important issue, namely: that the survival of human entities, whether groups, civilizations, or states, is not permanent, but revolves its cycle according to the laws of God Almighty, eternity and survival, are not written in this universe, except for His Creator Almighty: (Everything is perishable except for his face) Stories: 88, and our discussion here is not about the permanence of an entity, whatever its good deeds, but about the factors of its rise, brokenness, or end.

Hamas' survival or termination depends on the extent of its commitment to its principles and keenness to perform the mission for which it has been assigned or the nation has delegated to it, and the mission it has not yet achieved, which is the liberation of Palestine. The quest of Israel – or its allies – to eliminate it in particular, or the resistance in general – regardless of the number of martyrs and wounded, destruction and destruction – is not new to the Palestinian people, nor is it new to Islamic movements, whose existence has been accompanied by ordeals since their inception until today.

The uprooting of Hamas, or ending it completely, is not by external factors, but by internal factors in the first place, and this is a Sunni law in life, and in all civilizations and groups, the factors of its strength and weakness stem from within, and it is a divine law that applies to all people, regardless of their different beliefs, the Almighty said: (And your Lord was not for you to 117 villages with the shadow of <> m and their people are righteous) Hood: <>, the corruption and goodness of the resistance from within, and what is from outside it are auxiliary factors, not the main factors for its survival or end.

Military Force Does Not End Resistance

Military force – whatever its destruction – does not end an idea, and ideas and ideologies do not end with a security or military solution, and regimes and countries have tried - throughout history - to erase an idea, or an opinion by force, and the epidemic of that failure, and the idea remained, whether the idea was correct or incorrect, let alone if the idea was based on doctrine, principle and right, here the issue differs, and the idea and its campaign are getting harder, invincible and intractable to extermination.

Hamas itself – a branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, has its own administrative, intellectual and organizational specificity – went through stages, and it preceded the stage of military action for Hamas, a stage in which it did not adopt military action, the Brotherhood in Palestine went through different stages, starting with armed struggle, and then after the 1967 Nakba, a decision was issued by the Palestinian leadership not to join any armed action, for long reasons, the place cannot be mentioned, and I have detailed this and mentioned it in an article on Al Jazeera Mubasher, entitled: "The Brotherhood's shocking decision that caused the establishment of Hamas," then the Brotherhood reviewed themselves under pressure from the youth, founded Hamas, and then began to develop in its resistance performance until it reached the situation we are talking about today.

The difference between Hamas idea and organization

The Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas, like other Islamic movements, such as the Brotherhood and others, whoever limits it to the number of members of its organization is under-understood, so here a distinction should be made between the idea and the organization, as any organization based on an ideology - no matter how strong it is - does not include everyone who believes in its ideas to it, but there are followers of the organization and they are few, and there are followers of the idea, and they are many, and this many believe from within, and prepare itself, and even define itself as a resistance, and that it is Hamas, although it does not have organizational ties with it, or administrative.

The conditions for joining the organization or resistance - especially military action - are harsh, by virtue of the nature of the work, as well as political work under the resistance of an occupier, and it is natural that not all people are in it, and here comes the openness of the resistance by looking at the followers of the idea, as original partners in the resistance, which we see clearly in Hamas, in participating in its developments and matters, and polling opinions before, during and after decision-making, although the independence of the decision remains left to the leaders, but this partnership is greatly taken into account.

Hamas is not only leaders

Hence, it is clear that Hamas is not only its administrative and official organization, but that the organization does not exceed one percent of the Palestinian people, as well as the Gaza people, and the rest of the resistance, they are different circles, narrowing in the administrative organization - especially the leaders - and expanding little by little as the circle of the beholder of the resistance expands, which means: that these circles and rows sprawling in terms of structural composition organization and idea, are endless circles, if the leadership or leaders are eliminated, others came out, and the resistance row was produced Other.

We may notice this in Hamas media spokesmen, as a number of them were famous before, and then these faces disappeared for a while, and then appeared with other speaking leaders, and after Hamas spokesmen were counting on the fingers, now their media cadres are expanding in number and specialization.

Hamas' Popular Incubator

What makes the goal of ending Hamas impossible – in human calculations as well – is the popular incubator enjoyed by Hamas, both inside Palestine and abroad, at its various levels: Islamic and humanitarian, which is admired by all, for this patient and steadfast people, who receive calamities with amazing firmness, because of faith, the justice of their cause, and that the expensive sacrifices will not be wasted in vain.

Therefore, the Arab media tries to play a malicious role exposed to the rift between this incubator and the resistance, we saw Arab politicians and media professionals, talking reverently about the people of Gaza, and their steadfastness and steadfastness, and that they are heroes, because they face the entity on the land of Gaza, while the resistance hides in the tunnels, and talk about criminalizing resistance, which is an open trick, does not fool the Palestinian people in general, nor on the vigilant Arab masses, which is the major incubator for them, so the attempts are continuing to play this chord in order to bring a result, even on Long term.

This incubator is always the most difficult test for Hamas and the resistance, because its loss is the biggest loss, no matter how much support and support it receives from major entities such as states or bodies, so the resistance depends on its balance with this incubator, even if it makes mistakes in decisions that anger a large segment of it, or sees something other than what it saw. This incubator begins with the people of Gaza, and the people of Palestine as a whole, and ends with the last circle in the members of the nation, and it is fixed in its positions on the resistance, to a large extent, and this is a gain, not only that must be preserved, but also developed and nurtured.