Teller Report

Eskilstunabo received a large inheritance – hid it from the bailiff and the municipality

11/5/2023, 3:20:02 PM

Highlights: A man in his 50s has been sentenced to 140 hours of community service. The man received an inheritance of just over SEK 340,000 from Finland. He then applied for income support on 27 occasions without declaring the inheritance. He must also pay damages to Eskilstuna Municipality of more than SEK 220,000. For confidential support call the Samaritans on 08457 90 90 90, visit a local Samaritans branch or see In the U.S. call the National Suicide Prevention Line on 1-800-273-8255.

A man in his 50s has been convicted of hiding money in order to avoid the Enforcement Authority and receive income support.

The man received an inheritance of just over SEK 340,000 from Finland, which, according to the judgment, he transferred to other people's accounts. He then applied for income support on 27 occasions without declaring the inheritance.

He also had debts with the Enforcement Authority of just over SEK 375,000, which were not paid.

The man has now been sentenced by Eskilstuna District Court to probation and 140 hours of community service for benefit fraud and fraud against creditors. He must also pay damages to Eskilstuna Municipality of more than SEK 220,000.

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List: This is what benefit cheaters do. Listen to Magnus Minh Gustafsson at Eskilstuna Municipality talk about the most common methods. Photo: SVT