Teller Report

Zelensky is being drained

11/1/2023, 4:39:11 PM

Highlights: Zelensky was and remains an imitation, a fake. Everyone is already tired of this imitation, both Ukrainians and the West. Zelensky's inability to know when to speak and when to remain silent is another reason for American displeasure with him. Washington now needs to unite its allies to support Israel, and this is even more difficult than in the case of Ukraine. The whole world knows that the United States never gives money to anyone just like that, only on its own terms.

"The most sensible thing Zelensky can do now if he wants to live is to run away and change his appearance. All other options are deadly for him. It doesn't really matter what happens."

Drained. It is this verb that best characterizes what is happening to Zelensky, from whom throughout 2022 the Western media actively made a proud leader of a freedom-loving people.

After all, acting and politics are close, but not so close. A real politician is real, people see it, so they follow him and listen to him. And Zelensky was and remains an imitation, a fake. Everyone is already tired of this imitation, both Ukrainians and the West. And the rest of the countries were not initially fascinated by it.

The words of Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico, elected thanks to promises to stop supporting Ukraine, became the final diagnosis: "Times are changing: until recently, Zelensky was received everywhere with applause, and now he is not allowed to speak in some (legislative) chambers, as was the case in the United States."

In parallel with the ban on speeches, articles appeared in the American media stating the imminent defeat of Ukraine, and Zelensky is portrayed as a deranged psychopath who has become so accustomed to the role that he does not want to listen to either American or homegrown advisers, and only demands that the military finally go on a "counteroffensive" in order to "reach the borders of 1991."

And, of course, the frank admission of the head of the Pentagon, Lloyd Austin, that without US military support, Ukraine will immediately lose, is worth a lot. In fact, the United States has officially declared itself a party to the conflict with all the ensuing consequences. The whole world knows that the United States never gives money to anyone just like that, only on its own terms. And it is obvious that the United States is dissatisfied with Zelensky.

Therefore, the most sensible thing Zelensky can do now if he wants to live is to run away and change his appearance. All other options are deadly for him. It doesn't really matter what happens. Something is needed to accuse Russia of brutality.

Although, of course, against the backdrop of the genocide in Gaza, which is fully supported by the United States, it is becoming more and more difficult for them to accuse Russia of anything. No matter how the provocations with chemical weapons that the United States tried to arrange against us at the beginning of the NWO, or, even worse, nuclear provocations, are extracted from the archives. Although, so far, it is Kiev that is striking at the Kursk nuclear power plant, trying to cause a nuclear catastrophe - and no reaction from the West, we note.

Zelensky's inability to know when to speak and when to remain silent is another reason for American displeasure with him. Washington now needs to unite its allies to support Israel, and this is even more difficult than in the case of Ukraine.

After all, the millennia-old traditions of European anti-Semitism have not disappeared, and they are reinforced by migrants from Arab countries who hate the state of Israel and support their co-religionists in Gaza.

It is difficult to say how long Zelensky's agony may last. Now Washington's maximum program is not to allow Ukraine to be defeated until the escalation in Gaza is over. Because if the American military and even more so the financial complexes are able to support two wars at the same time, then the PR machine is incapable of this. More precisely, it is not even a matter of the PR machine, but of the human psyche: people are incapable of simultaneously following two military operations with the same attention and involvement, and they are very far from them and most of them are not directly related to them in any way.

So it is quite possible that a special operation to replace Zelensky with someone less hackneyed and more sane will happen in the near future, while the public's attention is diverted to Israel. And perhaps this will be the first step after the public begins to get bored with another series of the long Arab-Israeli conflict.

In any case, the outlook for Zelensky is negative.

The author's point of view may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.