Teller Report

What do you look for when looking for a job? Nearly ninety percent of the interviewed fresh graduates bluntly said that lining is more important than face

11/1/2023, 11:29:03 PM

Highlights: Nearly ninety percent of the interviewed fresh graduates bluntly said that "lining" is more important than "face" Di Yingdan, a doctoral student at Chinese People's University, chose "Lizi" without hesitation. Many college students now look for jobs and value good salary and benefits, and the place of work close to home. The acceleration of China's urbanization process, the rise of second- and third-tier cities and the continuous promotion of rural revitalization strategy have made college students more willing to return to their hometowns.

What do you look for when looking for a job? Nearly ninety percent of the interviewed fresh graduates bluntly said that "lining" is more important than "face".

It is the job hunting season for college students. In the past, decent work was a key consideration for many people when choosing a job, they wanted their company to be famous and sound enviable, and they were willing to put other aspects on the back burner for the sake of "face". Nowadays, many young people pay more attention to personal growth and development opportunities when choosing a career.

"Do you value 'lining' or 'face' in employment?" When asked this question, Di Yingdan, a doctoral student at Chinese People's University, chose "Lizi" without hesitation. In his view, the overall employment environment is changing, industry development and technology iteration are changing with each passing day, and the only thing that can be relied on in response to the changing environment is to continue to improve their abilities in the workplace and reflect their personal value.

"It's really good to feel good"

For Di Yingdan, "Lizi" reflects the fit between career and personal values, and can effectively improve personal ability; "Face" is judged by the usual value standards of society, which can make people look decent. "The former is concerned with self-perception and gain, and the latter is concerned with the gaze of others."

Di Yingdan feels that people's sense of value experience is very subjective, and what is "face" and what is "lining" may vary from person to person. Talking about many people's obsession with "taking the public examination", he feels that if a person pursues security and stability, then the system is the "lining" for him. "If it's just to cater to the requirements of the elders, you go to the 'test to see', maybe it's 'face' first."

Zhou Qing is a master's student in diplomacy and also serves as an undergraduate counselor. One of her students firmly did not want to take the civil service examination because she felt that "although the civil service is an 'iron job' and a 'good job' in the eyes of her parents, it does not match her job search goals."

A few days ago, a survey conducted by the Social Survey Center of China Youth Daily ( on 1334,89 job-seeking college students showed that 4.85% of the interviewed fresh graduates clearly stated that in the process of looking for a job, they valued "lining" more than "face". 5.<>% of the fresh graduates surveyed felt that in the past few years, everyone has generally paid more attention to "lining" in the process of job hunting.

Liu Baibai, a fresh graduate of a university in Wuhan, feels that this generation of young people attaches great importance to the pursuit of personal value, less impetuous, and more pragmatic, "looking for a job, no longer too persistent about the nature of the enterprise, the name of the job, and the place of work, but will seriously consider 'what I can learn in this position' and 'whether my ability can be brought into play'." He feels that today's young people are "living transparently", "everyone is more and more aware that what others think is good is not necessarily really good, only when they feel good is really good."

What are the "linings" that graduates value?

Zhou Qing observed that many college students now look for jobs and value good salary and benefits, and the place of work close to home. "In the past, going outside and taking a look was the mindset of many recent college graduates. After a few years of the pandemic, people cherish the time they spend with their families even more. Moreover, the acceleration of China's urbanization process, the rise of second- and third-tier cities, and the continuous promotion of the rural revitalization strategy have made college students more confident and willing to return to their hometowns for development."

In Di Yingdan's eyes, like some old factories and stable state-owned enterprises, the company has a large façade, is famous, and glamorous in the eyes of others, but if the job development prospects are limited, the business skills that can be learned and the accumulated experience are limited, he would rather choose a start-up with broad industry prospects. "For example, in the field of artificial intelligence, although the risks faced in the early stage of development are large, and the work intensity is very high, often one post is at most multi-post, and it seems that the 'cost performance' is not high, but it can improve personal ability and quickly improve the overall cognition and grasp of the industry. Even if the company fails to start a business, it can catch up with the tide of industry development and make individuals have strong competitiveness. ”

When choosing a job, what are the "linings" that graduates value? The data shows that good salary and benefits (61.6%) rank first, followed by being able to learn real skills (55.3%), and the work content is what they like (52.6%) and the future growth space (52.2%) ranks third and fourth respectively. In addition, personal value is reflected (46.2%), career promotion channels are smooth (42.9%), working atmosphere and interpersonal relationships are harmonious (41.5%), and newcomers have training opportunities (30.5%).

Wang Ting, director of the Human Resources Development and Management Research Center of China University of Political Science and Law and professor of the Business School, said that the survey results are very much in line with the current college students' outlook on career choice, and also reflect their more mature and rational thinking about the job market and their own development.

"Salary is related to a person's living standard, and it is also an important factor affecting the stability and enthusiasm of college students. Being able to learn skills can continuously enhance professionalism and have stronger competitiveness in the workplace. This also prompts enterprises to increase investment in human capital and provide good training opportunities. At the same time, today's young people attach great importance to personal interests, and when their careers match their interests, they will present a completely different work status and contribute greater career value. Wang Ting analyzed that a good enterprise should not only provide a good environment and salary, but more importantly, it can provide a clear career channel and a clear career ladder for the future development of employees.

"Only self-growth and improvement is the unbreakable way to gain a foothold"

Hou Jia is a senior this year and is majoring in economics. She feels that this generation of young people is more independent in thought, has the courage to break the employment concept of the older generation, and will not be easily coerced by social concepts. This also shows that today's young people know themselves better, "knowing what they don't want, or what they want, they will go for it". Hou Jia gave the reporter an example of her classmate: because she knew that she had an upright personality and high requirements for material level, this classmate made it clear that some jobs that look glamorous but need to play the role of Party B are not suitable for her. "Because of the personality, it is not happy to do it, and it is difficult to take advantage of the business, and the salary is closely linked to the performance, which directly affects the income." Hou Jia feels that this classmate's understanding of himself is very good.

"I think looking for a job is about 'face', but it's actually 'living for others'. It's better to pursue what you want and what you can actually obtain. Di Yingdan also feels that the current employment situation is severe, which also increases everyone's uncertainty about the future. The acceleration of the industry's 'involution' makes people understand that only self-growth and improvement is the unbreakable way to gain a foothold. ”

What does it reflect that college students pay more attention to "lining" in job hunting? 70.2% of the interviewed fresh graduates thought that they were more independent and focused on the actual gains in the industry; 66.9% of the interviewed fresh graduates felt that they attached importance to the realization of self-worth and had career ideals; 55.3% of the surveyed fresh graduates believe that they have a clearer plan and positioning for the future; 45.7% of the interviewed fresh graduates believe that they have broken through the inherent professional concept and are more pragmatic.

Wang Ting believes that college students pay more attention to "linzi" in employment, which reflects that they have a clearer understanding of their careers, and also shows that the employment guidance of college students in colleges and universities has achieved obvious results. At the same time, it also reflects that the overall social values are undergoing relatively big changes. "It should be said that such a choice is not only for individuals, but also for the overall talent market has positive and long-term significance."

Among the fresh graduates who participated in the survey, 14.3% were junior colleges, 75.4% were undergraduates, and 9.5% were master's students. Among them, 43.8% were boys and 56.2% were girls; 32.8% of the hometowns are in the first-tier cities, 38.2% in the second-tier cities, 21.1% in the third- and fourth-tier cities, 5.6% in towns or counties, and 2.3% in rural areas.

(At the request of the interviewee, Di Yingdan, Zhou Qing, and Hou Jia in the article are pseudonyms)

China Youth Daily, China Youth Network reporter Du Yuanchun Intern Huang Zihan Source: China Youth Daily