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To commemorate the 970th anniversary of Yang Shi's birth, Fujian Jiangle was held-Chinanews video

11/1/2023, 2:10:11 AM

Highlights: To commemorate the 970th anniversary of Yang Shi's birth, Fujian Jiangle was held. More than 31 guests, experts and scholars, and Yang clan relatives from both sides of the strait gathered together to pay tribute to the sages. Yang Shi was a famous philosopher, writer, and politician in the Northern Song Dynasty. He once worshipped Cheng Hao and Cheng Yi as teachers, leaving behind the eternal story of Cheng Men Lixue, which has become a model for future generations.

To commemorate the 970th anniversary of Yang Shi's birth, the conference was held in Fujian Jiangle

【Commentary】The conference to commemorate the 970th anniversary of Yang Shi's birth was held in Jiangle County, Fujian Province, Yang Shi's hometown, on October 10. More than 31 guests, experts and scholars, and Yang clan relatives from both sides of the strait gathered together to chase the distance and pay tribute to the sages.

Yang Shi was a famous philosopher, writer, and politician in the Northern Song Dynasty. He once worshipped Cheng Hao and Cheng Yi as teachers, leaving behind the eternal story of Cheng Men Lixue, which has become a model for future generations to respect teachers and talents, and to be knowledgeable and studious. He studied science all his life, advocated the southeast, and was respected by later generations as the "originator of Fujian studies", making outstanding contributions to the development and dissemination of Chinese culture.

The guests at the meeting expressed the hope that through this commemorative meeting, Yang Shi's noble character and great achievements will be remembered, and Yang Shicheng's spirit of learning from poverty, loving the country and cherishing the hometown, respecting teachers and valuing education, and being honest and honest for the people.

[same period] Taiwan's Yang clan relatives Yang Tong

He is very patriotic and loves the people, he respects teachers very much, and later generations have passed down an idiom called Chengmen Lixue, I think such a spirit has lasted for nearly 1000,<> years, and such an attitude allows our future generations to feel it.

In Jiangle District, hundreds of Yang Shizong personally wore ribbons, formed a phalanx, and walked to the Guishan Cemetery to participate in the sacrificial ceremony. At the sacrificial scene, under the guidance of the host, the Yang clan collectively bowed to the ancestors, toasted, tea, and offered sacrifices according to the ancient rites, lit incense, and prayed for auspiciousness, peace and prosperity.

【Period】Yang clan relatives Yang Hanling

We are very happy to come this time, and see that the people of Jiangle love Yang Shi so much, respect him so much, and strengthen education in this regard, so that more people can understand Yang Shi and Jiangle.

In the afternoon of the same day, as one of the supporting activities, Yang Shi's Fujian-Taiwan Sinology Exchange Activity was held in Jiangle, the children recited Yang Shi's classic works, and the experts and scholars at the meeting shared Yang Shi's scientific thoughts, so as to promote the creative transformation and innovative development of Yang Shi's culture.

【Period】Weng Jindong, a Taiwanese teacher at Sanming University

(Both sides of the strait) have the same root and the same origin, and the culture is the same vein, so we will be happy to use culture as a platform this time, and then you see that we have such a good place, everything is ready, we just want to integrate these things, how to integrate them together, and play the greatest role, which is subtle to achieve the real national integration, this is the power of culture.

Reporter Wu Shengwei reports from Sanming, Fujian

Editor in charge: [Lu Yan]