Teller Report

The 'disappearance' of Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo in Tahiti

11/1/2023, 7:08:53 AM

Highlights: The 'disappearance' of Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo in Tahiti. Visit the site that will host the surfing events for the 2024 Olympic Games in French Polynesia. Since October 22, the mayor of Paris has remained in the South Pacific for a private vacation. Expected return date? On November 6th. The right-wing opposition has also sent a written question to Anne HIDALGO calling for transparency. His entourage speaks of a "distressing controversy" The mayor is expected to wait until at least November 6, the scheduled date of her return to City Hall.

Anne Hidalgo is gone  visit the site that will host the surfing events for the 2024 Olympic Games in French Polynesia. Except that since October 22, the mayor of Paris has remained in the South Pacific for a private vacation. A long trip that caused controversy.

Arthur de Laborde / Photo credits: CARINE SCHMITT / HANS LUCAS / HANS LUCAS VIA AFP 08:04, 01 November 2023

Anne Hidalgo went to visit the site that will host the surfing events for the 2024 Olympic Games in Polynesia. Except that since October 22, the mayor of Paris has remained in the South Pacific for a private vacation. A long trip that caused controversy.

It's an absence that makes noise. The mayor of Paris has not been seen in the capital for two weeks. During an official trip to New Caledonia and Polynesia from October 16 to 21, Anne Hidalgo went to Tahiti to visit the site that will host the surfing events for the 2024 Olympic Games. And since October 22, the former Socialist presidential candidate has been on vacation in the South Pacific. Expected return date? On November 6th.

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Anne Hidalgo "goes to Tahiti to inspect the fine sandy beaches"

A total of three weeks of absence that comes at the worst possible time, according to the right-wing opposition. "Paris is plagued by demonstrations that are banned every week, with damage, with an increased risk of terrorism in the capital and what is the mayor of Paris doing? She's going to Tahiti to inspect the fine sandy beaches," said David Alphand, vice-president of the Changer Paris group.

Beyond the relevance of this trip, Republican elected officials are questioning its carbon footprint. The right-wing opposition has also sent a written question to Anne Hidalgo calling for transparency. The mayor of Paris stayed on holiday in the South Pacific after the end of her official visit ten days ago. "It is necessary to specify the aims and the programme of the trip, distinguishing between the public and the private parts. Still, we can wonder if there aren't some carabistouilles behind all this," says David Alphand.

His entourage speaks of a "distressing controversy"

The entourage of the mayor of Paris denounced a "distressing controversy". Anne Hidalgo is expected to wait until at least November 6, the scheduled date of her return to City Hall, to respond to the criticism in person.