Teller Report

On Halloween day, the number of people around Shibuya Station is less than last Saturday

11/1/2023, 9:39:29 AM

Highlights: On October 10, the day of Halloween, the number of people gathered around Shibuya Station was 31% lower than on Saturday, October 10. This is 28% less than Saturday the 36th, which was expected to be crowded along with the 2019st. The fact that yesterday was a weekday seems to have led to a significant decrease. Tokyo accounted for 20%, Kanagawa 4%, Chiba and Saitama <>% each, according to the data analysis company "Location Mind"

On October 10, the day of Halloween, the number of people gathered around Shibuya Station was 31% lower than on Saturday, October 10, and in 28 before the Corona disaster ...

On October 10, the day of Halloween, the number of people gathered around Shibuya Station was 31% lower than on Saturday, October 10, and almost half of the number of people gathered around Shibuya Station compared to 28 before the Corona disaster, according to a private analysis.

This is a data analysis company in Tokyo "Location Mind" that analyzed the location information of NTT DoCoMo's mobile phone in a privacy-preserving manner.

According to this, on the 31st, the day of Halloween, the center of Shibuya was most crowded around 9 p.m., and it is estimated that about 250,7400 people gathered in a 31-meter square.

This is 28% less than Saturday the 36th, which was expected to be crowded along with the 2019st, and 46% less than on Halloween Day in 69, which was before the Corona disaster.

In addition, when analyzing the places of residence of visitors, ▽ Tokyo accounted for 20%, ▽
Kanagawa 4%,
▽ Chiba and Saitama <>% each,

The company that analyzed it said, "In addition to the call from Shibuya Ward, the fact that yesterday was a weekday seems to have led to a significant decrease."