Teller Report

Moments: The pictures of the day in October

11/1/2023, 12:59:08 PM

Highlights: Moments: The pictures of the day in October. Every picture is an eye-catcher: Here are the best photos of the past few days. At midnight, the Pakistani government's deadline for the departure of about 1.7 million Afghan refugees expires. In Sölden, Austria, skiers queue up for a chairlift to the Rettenbachferner glacier. A lemur in the Rome Zoo risks his head and collar to steal fruit from an eerily carved pumpkin. A Venezuelan weightlifter creates a fog of presumed magnesia.

Every picture is an eye-catcher: Here are the best photos of the past few days.

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Escaped and expelled (31.10.2023)

When crossing the border from Pakistan to Afghanistan, an Afghan child sits on belongings. At midnight, the Pakistani government's deadline for the departure of about 1.7 million Afghan refugees – who the government believes are living illegally in the country – expires. As a result of decades of armed conflict in Afghanistan and the return of the Taliban to power, millions had fled to neighbouring Pakistan.

Photo: EPA

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Heritage obliges (30.10.2023)

It will be a difficult journey for King Charles III: The 74-year-old travels with his wife Camilla to Kenya for a state visit, the first row to a former colony since his coronation. Here, freedom fighters demonstrate against the upcoming visit to Mau Mau Street in Nairobi. The name is reminiscent of the anti-colonial independence movement that resisted the British.


Luis Tato / AFP

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Self-made superhero (29.10.2023)

He's a superhero, but he can't fly. And so this cosplayer dressed as Batman must truthfully go up the stairs – to the MCM Comic Con, a trade show that attracted thousands of cosplayers, film, video game and anime fans to London from October 27 to 29.

Photo: Tolga Akmen / EPA

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Bowlers and batters (28.10.2023)

Young people play cricket in a park near the Taj Mahal in Agra. In the ball sport, which is very popular in India, two teams compete against each other in a combination of hitting, catching and running.

Photo: Pawan Sharma / AFP

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Icy View (27.10.2023)

In Sölden, Austria, skiers queue up for a chairlift to the Rettenbachferner glacier. At an altitude of around 3000 metres, you can still do winter sports in October, for example on a slope called "Bridge to Nothingness" – and ask yourself how long the visibly melting Alpine glaciers will be able to keep up with it.

Photo: Leonhard Foeger / REUTERS

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Sweets, otherwise there's ... Sweets? (26.10.2023)

Halloween is approaching – apparently this lemur in the Rome Zoo knows that too. He risks his head and collar to steal fruit from an eerily carved pumpkin. The zookeepers at Bioparco have allowed themselves a little joke with the unusual feeding campaign.

Photo: Gregorio Borgia / dpa

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Stardust (25.10.2023)

Venezuelan weightlifter Naryury Alexandra Pérez Reveron creates a fog of presumed magnesia. The powder dries the palms of the hands and thus creates more grip. The 31-year-old Pérez competed at the Pan American Games in the highest weight class over 81 kilograms. The tournament in the Chilean capital Santiago de Chile runs until 5 November.

Photo: Javier Torres / AFP

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Country under (24.10.2023)

A painting damaged by the water hangs in the basement of the Flensburg Maritime Museum after the storm surge. In the Schleswig-Holstein port city, the highest water levels in more than 100 years were reached last weekend.

Photo: Frank Molter / dpa

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Truth, beauty, freedom, love. And Spiders (23.10.2023)

At the »Fashion X Theatre Show«, which is part of »Melbourne Fashion Week«, Australian designers worked together with the local production of »Moulin Rouge« to reinterpret the themes of the musical: truth, beauty, freedom and love, writes the Australian »Fashion Journal«. After all, what is more beautiful, freer, truer than an enveloped person that resembles a giant spider? You just have to love it – right?

Photo: Joel Carrett / EPA

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The forests are already colourful (22.10.2023)

At the tip of an already autumnally damaged leaf, the rain has gathered into a thick drop. The leaves of many deciduous trees turn bright yellow to red in autumn.

Photo: Rolf Vennenbernd / dpa

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Sweater position (21.10.2023)

This little dog has everything in view, from his master's collar he looks out over the streets of Tel Aviv. A moment of normality in the Israeli city, where there are always rocket alarms.

Photo: Leon Neal / Getty Images

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Waves come and go, art remains intact (20.10.2023)

Storm "Babet" sweeps across the North Sea, waves crash on the beach promenade of the eastern English seaside resort of Scarborough. Flâneurs have long since taken refuge in such a storm. The only thing left on the observation deck is »Freddie Gilroy«, a steel sculpture by the sculptor Ray Lonsdale. The British soldier Gilroy was one of the liberators of the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in April 1945.

Photo: Danny Lawson / dpa

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Spooky Beautiful (19.10.2023)

Officially, this place near Rostock is called Nienhäger Holz, but it is better known as a ghost forest. This picture illustrates very impressively how this name must have come about – but no one has to be afraid here, on the contrary: The forest, located directly on the Baltic Sea coast, is very popular with tourists.


Matthias Schrader / AP

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Big flower pot, shrinking project? (18.10.2023)

Security officers walk dogs in Tiananmen Square during the opening ceremony of the third New Silk Road Forum. Russian President Vladimir Putin has once again attended this year's meeting on China's trade project. In the West, on the other hand, there is less and less enthusiasm for the initiative: most European countries do not even send their embassy officers.


Suo Takekuma / EPA

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Blick auf den Scheich (17.10.2023)

Optische Verwirrung: Trägt Giorgia Meloni hier die arabische Kopfbedeckung Kufiya mit Kopfring? Mitnichten. Im Vordergrund neben der italienischen Ministerpräsidentin steht Hamad Bin Isa Al Khalifa, König von Bahrain. Meloni empfing den Scheich zu Gesprächen in Rom.

Foto: Filippo Monteforte / AFP

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Endlich wieder Brunftzeit (16.10.2023)

Ein Platzhirsch röhrt im Nebel: Im September und Oktober ist Paarungszeit beim Rotwild – wie hier im Richmond Park in London. Für mehrere Wochen leben die männlichen Tiere nun bei den Hirschkühen. Auch harte Kämpfe zwischen den Männchen gehören dazu.


Toby Melville / REUTERS

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Verdeckte Sonne (15.10.2023)

In Nord- und Südamerika fand eine spektakuläre Feuerkranz-Sonnenfinsternis statt. Anders als bei einer totalen Sonnenfinsternis verdeckt der Mond die Sonne dabei nicht vollständig. Ein Feuerring bleibt zu sehen. Das scheint auch diesen Jungen in Brasilien erfreut zu haben.


Ueslei Marcelino / REUTERS

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Heckengast (14.10.2023)

Eine Zuschauerin beobachtet »The Everest«, ein Pferderennen des »Sydney Everest Carnival« in Australien. Die Festlichkeiten für Pferderennenthusiasten gehen insgesamt über neun Wochen. »The Everest« ist mit 20 Millionen AUD Preisgeld das teuerste Rasenrennen der Welt.

Foto: Bianca de Marchi / AAP / IMAGO

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Lesestoff (13.10.2023)

An diesem Weinberg lesen Erntehelfer Trauben für einen Riesling – so wie vielerorts an Mosel, Saar und Ruwer, wo die Weinlese in den kommenden Tagen offiziell abgeschlossen wird. Gelegen ist dieser Weinberg an der Saar in Rheinland-Pfalz, nahe der Grenze zum Saarland – in der Lage Kanzemer Altenberg. Er gehört zum Weingut von Othegraven, das einen berühmten Eigentümer hat: Günther Jauch.

Foto: Harald Tittel / dpa

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Premiere für Popstar (12.10.2023)

Im himmelblauen Kleid auf den roten Teppich: Popstar Taylor Swift hat in Los Angeles die Premiere des Konzertfilms »The Eras Tour« über ihre laufende Welttournee gefeiert. Die Sängerin posierte mit Tänzerinnen und Tänzer ihres Tournee-Teams und den Filmemachern vor einem Kinokomplex in einem luxuriösen Einkaufszentrum.

Foto: Mario Anzuoni / REUTERS

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Wunder der Natur – und Technik (11.10.2023)

Ein Flugzeug passiert den Mond über Frankfurt am Main. Forschende kamen bereits vor zehn Jahren zu dem Schluss, dass der Mondzyklus die Nachtruhe der Menschen auf messbare Art und Weise beeinflusst: Wenn der Mond immer weiter zunimmt, sinkt die Schlafqualität. Bei diesem abnehmenden Exemplar dürften die Passagiere an Bord der Maschine friedlich schlummern können.


Michael Probst / AP

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Paris, mon amour (10.10.2023)

Die Gebäude der Haussmann-Architektur spiegeln sich in der Fassade des Kaufhauses Samaritaine im Zentrum von Paris wider. Georges-Eugène Baron Haussmann war von 1853 bis 1870 Präfekt des französischen Departements Seine und gilt als Stadtplaner von Paris. Er gab dem Stadtzentrum das moderne Pariser Stadtbild, das bis heute erhalten ist.

Photo: Dimitar Dilkoff / AFP

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Post-capitalism (09.10.2023)

Swiss Post employees fear the loss of numerous jobs. The background to this is an amendment to the so-called Postal Act – which, according to the fears of many, could force the company to make cuts. Tens of thousands demonstrated against this on Monday.

Photo: IPA Photo / IMAGO

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Storm Hairstyle (08.10.2023)

And then the umbrella folds over – in Hong Kong, people are bracing themselves for Typhoon Koinu. Dozens of flights have been cancelled and a storm surge is feared. The storm is currently moving towards the city at a speed of 100 km/h.


Tyrone Siu / REUTERS

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Inspired (07.10.2023)

The resilience of the Ukrainian population in the war against Russia is impressive: Shortly after a Russian S-300 missile hit the village of Peresichne near Kharkiv, a young girl swings on a swing in the garden high above the ruins.

Photo: Thomas Peter / REUTERS

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Surfing (06.10.2023)

Surf instructor Oscar (right) teaches a girl how to paddle on the beach of Robertsport in Liberia. The local surf club has equipped young people with surfboards with the help of the non-governmental organization "Provide The Slide". In some cases, children have also been able to attend school.

Photo: John Wessels / AFP

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Swimming ring (05.10.2023)

Autoposer on the high seas: A man drives what appears to be a sports car through the sea in front of the skyline of Miami in the US state of Florida – in reality, it is a visually modified boat called a "jet car".


Chandan Khanna / AFP

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Double Gold (04.10.2023)

Golden October in a different way: A visitor photographs goldfish swimming in a golden tank at the Art Aquarium Museum in Japan. Located in the Ginza entertainment district of the capital Tokyo, the museum is hosting a special autumn exhibition until November 21.

Photo: Franck Robichon / EPA

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Fair-weather drill (03.10.2023)

Airmen of the Indonesian military units jump out of transport planes during a rehearsal for the 78th anniversary of the Indonesian military in Jakarta. Many Southeast Asian countries are concerned about the power struggle between China and the US in the region.


Bay Ismoyo / AFP

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Saint Justitia (02.10.2023)

Judges enter Westminster Abbey for the traditional ceremony marking the start of the next judicial term on 2 October. In the UK, the court sits for four periods of the year. Started with the ceremony in October.


Dan Kitwood/Getty Images

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Hope in faith (01.10.2023)

In the Armenian capital Yerevan, a woman prays for refugees from Nagorno-Karabakh at a church service. According to international law, the region belongs to Azerbaijan, but mainly Armenians live there.

Photo: Alain Jocard / AFP