Teller Report

International newspapers: Tension in the West Bank is a prelude to a wider campaign, and Netanyahu strongly sought to pressure Egypt

11/1/2023, 9:29:41 AM

Highlights: International newspapers: Tension in the West Bank is a prelude to a wider campaign, and Netanyahu strongly sought to pressure Egypt. Developments in theWest Bank, the issues of detainees, displacement and other topics have captured the attention of some international newspapers. The Israeli war on the Gaza Strip led to the martyrdom of more than 8500,<> Palestinians, including thousands of children and women. An article in the Washington Post addressed "an emerging crisis in the East Bank," and Ishaan Tharu warned that the current phase of tension is a precursor to a broader campaign.

Developments in the West Bank, the issues of detainees, displacement and other topics have captured the attention of some international newspapers, in the context of the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip, which led to the death of more than 8500,<> Palestinians.

Developments in the West Bank, the issues of detainees, displacement and other topics have captured the attention of some international newspapers, in the context of the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip, which led to the martyrdom of more than 8500,<> Palestinians, including thousands of children and women.

An article in the Washington Post addressed "an emerging crisis in the West Bank," and Ishaan Tharu warned that the current phase of tension is a prelude to a broader campaign of violence and the expulsion of Palestinians from their lands in the West Bank, pointing to an alarming rise in the number of Palestinian martyrs at the hands of settlers.

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What did international and Israeli newspapers say about the developments of the war in Gaza?

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A report published by the "Financial Times" focused on the issue of displacement, and revealed that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu strongly sought to convince Western leaders to pressure Egypt to accept hosting refugees from the Gaza Strip, and the report adds that some countries discussed the idea, while Germany, Britain and France rejected it on the grounds that it is unrealistic and Egypt rejects it from the ground altogether.

The newspaper quoted a Western diplomat as believing that the pressure from Israel's ongoing assault on Gaza could lead to a change in attitude and affect Egypt.

The New York Times reported on the crisis of Israeli prisoners in the Palestinian resistance. The article said that this crisis poses a major dilemma for Israel in its quest to achieve its goals in Gaza, and that the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) is "well aware of the nightmare that Israel is experiencing, and this justifies its constant pressure on the Netanyahu government to make concessions."

The article, citing U.S. officials, said that "diplomatic channels remain the best option for Israel rather than a highly complex and step-by-step commando operation."

An article in the French newspaper "Le Monde" highlighted the position of the Lebanese Hezbollah after the Israeli ground attack on the Gaza Strip, and the author of the article saw that its scope expands towards the direction that Hezbollah will choose, and quotes a researcher as saying that the situation is very sensitive.

Washington's Responsibility

For its part, "Foreign Policy" touched on the Israeli surveillance system, and stated in an article that "this delicate system did not bring the Israelis peace because the country's leaders decided to use superior technology to keep them away from the conflict instead of addressing its real causes," highlighting that the perpetrators of the attack on the seventh of last October "relied on simple means of communication that the Israelis do not monitor in the first place, and trained in broad daylight to blow up the separation fence, but the army simply assumed that the border was impenetrable."

The French newspaper "Liberation" in a report blamed the United States for the renewed conflict in the Middle East because of its disregard for the Palestinian issue, and the report pointed out that the US administrations "focused on opening new diplomatic channels as if this would change the reality on the ground, including Israel's policies in confiscating Palestinian land and continuing the occupation."