Teller Report

Aomori Hirosaki "Snow hanging" work is carried out in the Japan garden

11/1/2023, 7:19:59 PM

Highlights: Japan gardens in Hirosaki City, Aomori Prefecture, are working to protect tree branches from the weight of snow. The Fujita Memorial Garden is a 2,11-square-meter Japan garden built in the Taisho era. The purpose of hanging snow is to prevent branches from breaking, but it is also one of the views of the garden, so I want you to enjoy it as a view for preparing for winter, says the garden's manager. The "snow hanging" will continue until the end of this month.

【NHK】Before the arrival of winter, Japan Gardens in Hirosaki City, Aomori Prefecture, are working to protect tree branches from the weight of snow.

Before the arrival of winter, Japan gardens in Hirosaki City, Aomori Prefecture, are working to protect tree branches from the weight of snow.

The Fujita Memorial Garden in Hirosaki City is a 2,11-square-meter Japan garden built in the Taisho era, and at this time of year, before the arrival of winter, "snow hanging" is carried out to secure tree branches using pillars and ropes so that they do not break under the weight of snow.

On November 1, work began at 9 a.m., and seven people in charge hung 7 ropes radially from the top of a 12-meter-high post erected along a red pine tree.

Then, while adjusting the length of each rope, they were carefully tied to each branch.

In the park, people could be seen enjoying a stroll from the morning, and they enjoyed taking pictures of the work that is unique to this time of year.

Naoki Iwase of the Hirosaki City Green Association, which manages the garden, said, "The purpose of hanging snow is to prevent branches from breaking, but it is also one of the views of the garden, so I want you to enjoy it as a view for preparing for winter."

This means that the "snow hanging" at the Fujita Memorial Garden will continue until the end of this month.