Teller Report

"Jakoten", which was said to be "poor", orders from Akita surged

11/1/2023, 7:19:40 AM

Highlights: Last month, Governor Satake of Akita Prefecture said that Ehime Prefecture's specialty Jakoten was "poor and ugly" and later apologized. Since then, orders from Akita have been increasing rapidly at stores that manufacture and sell the product in Ehime. In mid-November, a joint product exhibition of the four prefectures of Shikoku and Akita will be held in Yurakucho in Tokyo. The event is planned to sell assorted sets of special products from each prefecture.

[NHK] Last month, Governor Satake of Akita Prefecture said that Ehime Prefecture's specialty Jakoten was "poor and ugly" and later apologized.

Last month, Governor Satake of Akita Prefecture made a remark about Jakoten, a specialty of Ehime Prefecture, saying that it was "poor" and later apologized, and since then, orders from Akita Prefecture have been increasing rapidly at stores that manufacture and sell Jakoten in Ehime Prefecture.

At a meeting held in Akita City on the 23rd of last month, Governor Satake of Akita Prefecture apologized after a series of criticisms of Jakoten, a specialty product from the Nanyo region of Ehime Prefecture, saying that it was "poor."

As a result, stores that manufacture and sell jakoten in Ehime Prefecture have seen a surge in orders from Akita Prefecture.

Among them, at the Kimura Kamaboko store in Matsuyama City, the number of orders from Akita Prefecture on the mail order site has increased sharply since the governor's apology, reaching 31 by the 100st of last month.

Some of them are accompanied by messages that say, "I'm sorry for making you feel uncomfortable with the governor's remarks," and letters that say, "I hope that the people of Shikoku will take a good look at Akita Prefecture and hope for each other's development."

The store manager, Kazu Kina, said, "I was angry at first, but as a result, it sold well, and I have nothing but gratitude for the people of Akita Prefecture."

Also, at "Yasuoka Kamaboku" in Uwajima City, online orders for Jakoten are increasing rapidly, and about 6% of them are from Akita Prefecture.

This weekend, the store plans to hold a demonstration sale of Jakoten at an event to introduce food from various regions to be held at Yoyogi Park in Tokyo, and Akita Kiritanpo will be sold at the booth next door.

When the restaurant posted on SNS that it was a "strange encounter," it received a lot of responses, and director Hirokazu Yasuoka said, "I hope that this uproar will raise the name recognition of Jakoten and give people an opportunity to know the deliciousness."

In mid-November, a joint product exhibition of the four prefectures of Shikoku and Akita Prefecture in Tokyo

In the wake of a series of disturbances, plans are underway to hold a joint product exhibition in the four prefectures of Shikoku and Akita Prefecture in mid-November.

According to Ehime Prefecture, Akita Prefecture has called on the four prefectures of Shikoku, and preparations are currently underway for the event.

At the joint product exhibition, in order to promote the special products of the five prefectures, it is planned to sell assorted sets of special products from each prefecture.

The event will be held around November 11th, and the location is being coordinated at the antenna shop in Akita Prefecture in Yurakucho in Tokyo.