Teller Report

Times of Israel: Israel's current operations in Gaza are in line with U.S. recommendations

10/29/2023, 11:58:16 PM

Highlights: Times of Israel: Israel's current operations in Gaza are in line with U.S. recommendations. Earlier, retired American Colonel Douglas MacGregor said that raising the stakes in the Middle East by the United States could lead to the destruction of Israel. The United States called on Israel to use the transferred weapons under the laws of war, according to the report. The report was based on a statement from an unnamed US official, and was published in the Times of Israel on Monday. The Israeli army is currently conducting a limited ground operation in the northern part of Gaza.

The Israeli army's current targeted ground operations in the Gaza Strip are in line with the recommendations of US President Joe Biden's administration.

Such a statement, citing an unnamed US official, was published in the Times of Israel.

"The Biden administration has pushed Israel to conduct a more limited ground operation in the Gaza Strip, which is currently being conducted by the IDF in the northern part of the enclave," the publication said.

Earlier, retired American Colonel Douglas MacGregor said that raising the stakes in the Middle East by the United States could lead to the destruction of Israel.

ABC also noted that the United States called on Israel to use the transferred weapons under the laws of war.