Teller Report

Pascal Praud and you - Israel-Hamas, A69 motorway, urban riots... The best of the week of October 23

10/28/2023, 3:47:47 AM

Highlights: Pascal Praud and you - Israel-Hamas, A69 motorway, urban riots... The best of the week of October 23. This week, Hamas' terror attack on Israel, launched on October 7, continues to make headlines. In the programme, the listeners and Pascal Praud comment on this conflict that has been affecting the whole world for three weeks now. You can react at Europe 1 05:30, 28 October 2023.

This week, Hamas' terror attack on Israel, launched on October 7, continues to make headlines. In the show " Pascal Praud and you, the listeners and Pascal Praud have been commenting on this conflict that has been affecting the whole world for three weeks now. Listen to the excerpts again. You can react at

Europe 1 05:30, 28 October 2023

This week, Hamas' terror attack on Israel, launched on October 7, continues to make headlines. In the programme "Pascal Praud et vous", the listeners and Pascal Praud comment on this conflict that has been affecting the whole world for three weeks now. Listen to the excerpts again. You can react at

For three weeks now, the eyes of the world have been on Israel. If the conflict, which occurred on October 7 with the attack by Hamas, mainly affects the Jewish State and Gaza, it is also exported abroad and in France where the government is worried about an escalation of violence on its territory. Faced with this, Pascal Praud, the listeners and guests of the program Pascal Praud et vous, continued to follow the evolution of the situation this week, particularly on the issue of security for the Maghreb population in France. But the news has not only been marked by this armed conflict. Other battles were waged during the week, including that of environmentalists against the controversial project of the A69 motorway between Toulouse and Castres.

In addition, Elisabeth Borne is also waging a war against delinquency. On Thursday, the Prime Minister unveiled the measures of the government's anti-riot plan in response to last summer's urban violence, following the death of young Nahel.

Find all the best moments of the show "Pascal Praud et vous" here

IDF Footage of Massacres: The Chilling Conversation Between a Terrorist and His Parents

On October 7, Hamas' terrorist attack on Israel shocked the world. An offensive during which the terrorists committed horrors against civilians, especially women and children. The Israeli military obtained documents relating to the attack and shared them with the foreign press. Sébastien Le Belzic, Europe 1's special correspondent in Israel, was able to attend the screening, and among the many documents shown, he returns in the program Pascal Praud et vous to a telephone communication intercepted by the IDF, between a terrorist and his parents.

Listen to the excerpt again:

"I feel much safer in Israel, despite the conflict, than in France," says a French-Israeli listener

Since Hamas' terror attack on Israel on October 7, more than 1,400 Israelis have died. Despite a still critical situation there, Jérémy, a French-Israeli auditor who has decided to make aliyah, believes that he feels "much safer in Israel than in France". The latter refers to the anti-Semitic acts that have been on the rise in recent times in France.

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"I gave my children a French name so they wouldn't have any problems," says a listener of Moroccan origin

The conflict between Israel and Hamas is being exported around the world. Since the attack, launched by terrorists in the Jewish state, anti-Semitic and racist acts have increased sharply in France. But for Aziz, a Europe 1 listener of Moroccan origin, racism is not new in France. He even explains, at the microphone of Pascal Praud, that he chose to give "French-sounding" names to his children so that they would not have any problems.

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"Who is going to pay for this?": an opponent of the A69 motorway between Toulouse and Castres denounces the project

On 21 October, nearly 5,000 demonstrators gathered in the south of the Tarn, near Castres, to oppose the A69 motorway project that will link the city to Toulouse. On Monday, Thomas Brail, founder of the National Tree Monitoring Group and present at the protest, denounced the usefulness of the project and its cost. "Who's going to pay for this?" he asked on the show Pascal Praud et vous.

Listen to the excerpt again:

Nahel: Accusing parents of rioters "won't solve the problem", according to a listener

Four months after the riots that engulfed France after the death of young Nahel, Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne presented Thursday at the Sorbonne measures as part of her plan for the suburbs. Among these measures, the head of government insists on the responsibility of parents. But Abdelatif, a listener, said the rioters' parents "have lost control" and, according to him, these families usually experience financial difficulties. Taxing them "won't solve the problem," he said.

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