Teller Report

The minimum is reduced to 4% The "second set to the first set" mortgage adjustment gate is opened

10/27/2023, 12:57:29 AM

Highlights: The "second set to the first set" mortgage adjustment gate is opened. The interest rate of individual borrowers who have issued loans after May 2, 2022 has been reduced to 5%. In the view of analysts, the interest rate adjustment is mainly aimed at buyers who do not meet first set of standards at the time of purchase. The inclusion of this part of the stock housing loan will help expand the coverage of policy benefits and effectively reduce the phenomenon of "early repayment", analysts say. The adjustment kicked off on October 10, and on October 20, interest rate was reduced from 10.25% down to 4%.

Following the "interest rate cut" of the first home loan interest rate in stock, the batch adjustment of the interest rate of "two sets to the first set" has also begun. On October 10, a reporter from Beijing Business Daily learned that a number of existing mortgage borrowers who meet the conditions of "second set to first set" have inquired about the adjusted mortgage interest rate information from the mobile banking apps of various banks after the preliminary application, and some interest rates have been reduced to 25.4%, and the interest rate of individual borrowers who have issued loans after May 2, 2022 has been reduced to 5%. In the view of analysts, the interest rate adjustment of "second set to first set" stock housing loan is mainly aimed at buyers who do not meet the first set of standards at the time of purchase but meet the first set of recognition according to the new policy, and the inclusion of this part of the stock housing loan into the scope of interest rate adjustment will help expand the coverage of policy benefits and effectively reduce the phenomenon of "early repayment".

The adjustment kicked off

"'Two sets to the first set' was successful, at first I thought it would be good to be able to drop to 4.3%, but I didn't expect it to drop directly to 4%, and it was hundreds less a month", Sun Yumo (pseudonym), a stock mortgage borrower from Shaanxi, was a little overjoyed, she was a mortgage after May 2022, 5, after the introduction of the stock mortgage interest rate adjustment policy, after the "two sets to the first set" review application, Sun Yumo's adjusted mortgage interest rate was implemented in accordance with the "LPR-14BP", and on October 20, the interest rate has been reduced from the original 10.25% down to 4%.

It is understood that the scope of the interest rate adjustment of the stock housing loan "second set to the first set" includes the existing housing loan that does not meet the first housing standard at the time of loan issuance or contract signing, but the current actual housing situation meets the first housing standard in the city, as well as the loan with fixed interest rate or benchmark interest rate pricing, and the borrower has applied to the bank to convert to the existing housing loan with variable interest rate loan priced by LPR.

Liu Xuhui (pseudonym) from Beijing also saw interest rates cut after applying to convert fixed interest rates to LPR pricing variable rate loans. Liu Xuhui found out the information on the adjustment of the interest rate of existing mortgages earlier than Sun Yumo, but the adjusted interest rate was still implemented on October 10.

Liu Xuhui introduced that his mortgage was disbursed in June 2019, when Beijing implemented the "housing loan subscription", because there was a loan record when changing houses, the application for the mortgage was executed according to the interest rate of the second house, and he had not changed the fixed interest rate to a floating interest rate before. In September this year, he submitted an application for a mortgage interest rate adjustment, replacing the fixed interest rate with a floating rate, and on October 6, he found out the results of the interest rate adjustment, which was reduced from 9.10% to 23.5%, effective October 88.

Like Sun Yumo and Liu Xuhui, on October 10, a number of existing mortgage borrowers who met the conditions of "second set to first set" had inquired about the adjusted mortgage interest rate information from the mobile banking app of each bank after applying in the early stage, and the mortgage interest rate of some borrowers dropped to 25.4% or 3.4% according to the time of loan issuance and the lower limit of the first home loan interest rate policy in the city.

Chen Xiao, a senior analyst at Zhuge Data Research Center, believes that the adjustment of the interest rate of the stock mortgage of "two sets to the first set" is mainly beneficial to buyers who are recognized as the second set of houses when they purchase a house, and the "recognize the house without recognizing the loan" policy after the implementation of the policy is re-identified as the first set of buyers, after the policy adjustment, they can enjoy the lower interest rate level of the first house and save the cost of the mortgage, and this group of people is mainly the improvement housing customer group or the customer group who has a loan to buy the property again locally.

The adjustment is progressing steadily

The adjustment of the interest rate of the existing housing loan originated from the "Notice on Matters Related to Reducing the Interest Rate of the First Housing Loan in Stock" (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice") issued by the State Financial Regulatory Administration on People's Bank of China August 8, guiding the borrowers and lenders of commercial personal housing loans to adjust and optimize assets and liabilities in an orderly manner, and reduce the interest rate of the first commercial personal housing loan in stock.

In the implementation rules, the bank clarifies that the interest rate of the first set of existing housing loans that meet the adjustment conditions will be adjusted in batches on September 9, and the existing housing loans that "transfer the second set to the first set" and implement fixed interest rates or benchmark interest rates can initiate an application for interest rate adjustment on the same day, and after the review is approved, a unified batch adjustment will be made on October 25.

From the perspective of the adjustment of the interest rate of the stock first home loan, Zou Lan, director of the Department of Monetary Policy of the People's Bank of China, previously introduced that the work of reducing the interest rate of the stock first home loan is basically nearing the end, from September 9 to October 25, in the first week of the implementation of the policy of reducing the interest rate of the stock first home loan, 10.1% of the eligible stock first home loans completed the interest rate reduction, a total of 98.5 million cases, 4973.21 trillion yuan. The adjusted weighted average interest rate was 7.4%, an average decrease of 27.0 percentage points. At present, the vast majority of borrowers have enjoyed the benefits for the first time.

On October 10, at the press conference on the data and information of the banking and insurance industry in the third quarter of 20 of the State Administration of Financial Supervision and Administration, the relevant person in charge also revealed that the interest rate of the first home loan in stock has been steadily reduced, and most of the loans have been adjusted in place, effectively alleviating the pressure on residents' housing loan expenditure.

Compared with the automatic adjustment of the interest rate of the existing first home loan, the existing housing loan with a fixed interest rate or benchmark interest rate needs to be actively applied to the bank by the borrower. When applying, borrowers generally need to submit relevant supporting materials, and the list of "second set to first set" certification materials usually includes proof of marital status, real estate inquiry certificate, etc., and the materials submitted by different branches vary depending on the region.

Liu Xuhui mentioned that when he applied for the "second set to the first set" stock housing loan interest rate adjustment application, he signed the family ownership complete housing application form and the financial network credit inquiry authorization letter on the mobile banking app, and uploaded identity proof materials and marriage certificate materials.

Xue Hongyan, vice president of Xingtu Financial Research Institute, said that the adjustment of the interest rate of the stock of the first home loan has been implemented, and the interest rate has been significantly reduced, which has eased the pressure on home buyers to pay interest and also slowed down the phenomenon of "prepayment". The adjustment of the interest rate of the stock mortgage of "two sets to the first set" is mainly aimed at buyers who do not meet the criteria of the first set at the time of purchase but meet the identification of the first set according to the new policy, and include this part of the stock mortgage into the scope of interest rate adjustment, which will help expand the coverage of the policy benefits and better play the effect of the policy.

The tide of prepayment is ebbing

Lowering the interest rate of existing mortgages can effectively reduce the phenomenon of "prepayment" while reducing the interest expenses of borrowers. Chen Xiao said that the adjustment of the interest rate of the existing housing loan for borrowers, can reduce the cost of buying a house, reduce the pressure of repayment, is a big plus, especially for the second set of customers to change the first set of customers, from the higher interest rate of the second house to the low level of the first set of interest rates, the reduction of interest rates can also effectively alleviate the phenomenon of early repayment, after all, the main reason why a large number of groups choose to prepay is that the interest rate difference between new and existing mortgages is too large, resulting in aggravated psychological imbalance.

Xue Hongyan believes that the reduction in the interest rate of existing housing loans can be regarded as a concentrated interest concession by banks to house buyers. From the actual landing situation, after the interest rate of the existing housing loan is reduced, buyers generally have a more obvious sense of gain, the pressure of interest payment is reduced, and the willingness to "prepay the loan" is also significantly reduced. According to the data, in September, the new medium and long-term loans of residents were 9 billion yuan, an increase of 5470.2014 billion yuan year-on-year.

Regarding the follow-up capital planning suggestions of borrowers after the adjustment of the interest rate of the existing mortgage, Xue Hongyan said that after the interest rate of the existing mortgage is reduced, the loan interest rate will return to a reasonable level, and the buyer needs to re-evaluate the necessity of "prepayment". "Prepayment" is not only a short-term funding option, but also involves long-term capital planning, because the mortgage term is more than 20 years, and when the borrower chooses to repay the mortgage early, it is necessary to compare the short-term financial income cost performance and the long-term cost performance to weigh it. After all, for many people, a mortgage is the only loan with lower costs, longer tenure, and larger amounts, and if you may need money in the next few years, "prepayment" is no longer the best option.

Chen Xiao suggested that after the interest rate adjustment, the pressure of repayment of existing housing loan borrowers is reduced, and there is no need to rush to "prepay the loan", the funds on hand are relatively abundant, borrowers can replan the funds on hand, make financial plans to obtain more benefits, such as increasing the proportion of investment, investing idle funds in financial projects, and also buying new real estate. In short, borrowers should do a good job in wealth management portfolio, balance the relationship between investment and savings, balance the proportion of high-risk and high-return investment with stable and low-return investment, and diversify investment risks.

Beijing Business Daily reporter Li Haiyan