Teller Report

In the first three quarters, the development of industry and information technology was generally stable

10/27/2023, 1:58:40 AM

Highlights: In the first three quarters, the development of industry and information technology was generally stable. In September, the four industries of electrical machinery, chemicals, electronics and automobiles contributed nearly 9% to the overall industrial growth. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will strengthen its confidence in development, expand demand, enhance momentum, keep the bottom line, go all out to do a good job in the steady growth of industry, and provide strong support for promoting the overall improvement of economic operation. The momentum of recovery and development of the industrial economy is solid.

In the first three quarters, the development of the industrial and information industry was generally stable [new kinetic energy and new advantages continued to gather and enhanced, and the vitality of innovation and development continued to be released]

□ reporter Liu Xin

In the first three quarters of this year, the added value of industrial enterprises above designated size increased by 4% year-on-year, and the growth rate accelerated by 0.2 percentage points compared with the first half of this year; in the first three quarters, the revenue of telecommunications business increased by 6.8% year-on-year, and the total business volume increased by 16.5% year-on-year. A set of data released recently reflects that in the first three quarters, the development of the industrial and information industry was generally stable, the industrial structure continued to be optimized, new kinetic energy and new advantages were continuously gathered and enhanced, the vitality of innovation and development continued to be released, and high-quality development achieved positive results.

"On the whole, although the current industrial economy is facing difficulties such as insufficient demand, the fundamentals of China's long-term industrial economy are still solid." Zhao Zhiguo, chief engineer of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that in the next step, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will strengthen its confidence in development, expand demand, enhance momentum, keep the bottom line, go all out to do a good job in the steady growth of industry, and provide strong support for promoting the overall improvement of economic operation.

The momentum of recovery and development of the industrial economy is solid

Since the beginning of this year, with the implementation of a series of stable growth policies, the momentum of industrial economic recovery and development has been stable. Judging from the main economic indicators, industrial production grew steadily. In the first three quarters, the added value of industrial enterprises above designated size increased by 4% year-on-year, and the growth rate accelerated by 0.2 percentage points compared with the first half of this year. The proportion of added value of manufacturing in GDP has remained basically stable, and investment in manufacturing has continued to grow, and the growth rate has gradually accelerated since July. Accelerate the recovery of enterprise efficiency. Among them, the profits of industrial enterprises above designated size increased by 7.8% year-on-year in August, and the operating income and profits both turned from negative to positive.

"We focus on 10 key industries such as steel and nonferrous metals, which are large-scale and highly driven, and have formulated and implemented a work plan for steady growth from 2023 to 2024 in conjunction with relevant departments. With the joint efforts of all regions and departments, industrial production has grown steadily, the operation of major industries has been generally stable, and the industrial structure has been continuously optimized. Zhao Zhiguo said.

Data show that in the first three quarters, 41 of the 27 major industrial industries maintained year-on-year growth in added value. Especially in September, the four industries of electrical machinery, chemicals, electronics and automobiles contributed nearly 9% to the overall industrial growth. The production of raw materials manufacturing has accelerated. The added value in the first three quarters increased by 6.5% year-on-year, and the growth rate was 1.3 percentage points faster than that in the first half of the year.

In addition, the industrial economy of most provinces has recovered steadily. In the first three quarters, 31 of the 28 provinces saw a year-on-year increase in industrial added value, and 20 provinces accelerated or narrowed the growth rate compared with the first half of the year. Among the 10 major industrial provinces, the growth rate of 8 provinces accelerated compared with the first half of the year, and the growth rate of 6 provinces, including Jiangsu, Shandong, Sichuan, Hebei, Hubei and Zhejiang, was higher than the national average.

Zhao Zhiguo said that in the next step, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will put the requirements of high-quality development throughout the whole process of new industrialization, seize the current critical period of economic recovery and the window period of industrial transformation, and make greater efforts to "expand demand, enhance kinetic energy, and keep the bottom line", and go all out to do a good job in the steady growth of industry.

Accelerate the formulation and revision of new energy vehicle standards

In the first three quarters of this year, the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry has taken solid steps. Among them, the cultivation of new products, new industries and new business formats has been accelerated, new energy vehicles, photovoltaic products, aerospace vehicles and equipment have achieved rapid growth, and the three major indicators of the shipbuilding industry continue to lead the world.

In the field of new energy vehicles, in the first three quarters of this year, China's new energy vehicle industry maintained a strong momentum of development, the scale of production and sales was further expanded, the technical level was rapidly improved, the brand competitiveness was greatly improved, and the supporting environment continued to be optimized. According to data from the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, the production and sales of new energy vehicles in the first three quarters were 631.3 million and 627.8 million respectively, an increase of 33.7% and 37.5% year-on-year respectively.

Tao Qing, director of the Operation Monitoring and Coordination Bureau of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that in the next step, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will fully implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, thoroughly implement the "New Energy Vehicle Industry Development Plan (2021-2035)", improve work measures, strengthen departmental coordination, and promote the high-quality development of the new energy vehicle industry.

Specifically, improve the mechanism and strengthen overall planning. Give full play to the role of the inter-ministerial coordination mechanism for the development of the new energy vehicle industry, coordinate and promote technical research, promotion and application, infrastructure construction, etc., and accelerate the development of electrification, networking and intelligence.

Continue to expand the scale of the domestic market. We will speed up the formulation and adjustment of the technical requirements for new energy vehicle products that reduce or exempt vehicle purchase tax, launch the pilot area for comprehensive electrification of vehicles in the public domain, the pilot of intelligent networked vehicle access and road traffic, and carry out in-depth activities for new energy vehicles to go to the countryside, so as to continue to expand the basic market of the domestic market.

Strengthen the construction of supporting environment. Implement the "Guiding Opinions on Further Building a High-quality Charging Infrastructure System" issued by the General Office of the State Council to better meet the charging needs of new energy vehicles. Carry out city-level demonstration of "vehicle-road-cloud integration". Improve the power battery recycling system and improve the ability to guarantee key resources.

Establish and improve the security system. Accelerate the formulation and revision of standards for electric vehicles and power battery safety, autonomous driving, and operating systems. Strengthen production access management and supervision during and after the event, and keep the bottom line of new energy vehicle safety, so that consumers like to buy and use with confidence.

Actively promote 5G to empower the real economy

Talking about the development of the information and communication industry, Zhao Zhiguo said, "We will continue to give full play to and consolidate the advantages of the information and communication industry to support high-quality economic and social development. As of the end of September, a total of 9.5 million 318G base stations had been built, and 9 million gigabit broadband users had been built. The innovation and integration of applications have been comprehensively deepened, 1G applications have been integrated into 45 major categories of the national economy, more than 5,67 "5G + Industrial Internet" projects have been implemented nationwide, and the total number of mobile Internet of Things terminals has reached 7000.22 billion.

It is worth noting that this year is the final year of the "5G Application "Sailing" Action Plan (2021-2023)", and at present, China's 5G development has achieved many results, the development environment has been continuously optimized, the digital foundation has been continuously consolidated, the enabling role has been continuously highlighted, and the innovation ability has been continuously improved.

According to Zhao Zhiguo, China has deeply implemented the 5G application "sailing" action plan, organized all parties in the industry to continuously accelerate the speed of network construction, expand the depth of integrated applications, increase application innovation, and promote the innovation and development of mobile communications. According to incomplete statistics, more than 900 relevant policies and measures have been introduced across the country, forming a strong working force of departmental cooperation, central and local linkage, and industrial coordination.

As of the end of September this year, China's 5G standard essential patent declarations accounted for 9% of the world's total, providing Chinese solutions for promoting global 5G development. Issued a notice on promoting the evolution of 42G lightweight (RedCap) technology and the innovation and development of applications, and jointly promoted the innovation and development of lightweight 5G base stations, chips, and terminal industries.

"In the next step, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will focus on the three aspects of 'construction, use, and research', actively promote 5G to empower the real economy, and provide strong support for high-quality economic development." Zhao Zhiguo said that it is necessary to build a wider network, popularize the application better, and study the technology more precisely.

According to reports, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will strengthen the support of the 5G industry, systematically promote the R&D and industrialization of 5G chips, modules, terminals and other products and key devices, and help the industry evolve and upgrade. Aiming at the critical period of 6G technology research and development, we will carry out in-depth research on key 6G technologies, strengthen technical reserves, and lay a solid foundation for the formulation of 6G standards and industrial development.

Rule of Law Daily, October 2023, 10, page 27