Teller Report

Eternal hatred

10/27/2023, 12:39:48 AM

Highlights: Ever since they called the head of the Red Army 'Judas' Trotsky, the left has not stopped devouring each other; that's why there were four Internationals. Pablo Iglesias is convinced that with Sumar, without means, without media support, with positions against it, the struggle is impossible. He calculates that the coalition government will be weak and short, and he would return to the ring to fight not only against the right but also against the second coalition government and its traveling companion. He knows that Yolanda wants to destroy him and the revenge is going to be terrible.

Ever since they called the head of the Red Army 'Judas' Trotsky, the left has not stopped devouring each other; that's why there were four Internationals. See the case of Paul...

Ever since they called the head of the Red Army 'Judas' Trotsky, the left has not stopped devouring each other; that's why there were four Internationals. See the case of Pablo Iglesias and Yolanda Díaz, whom he named the sole heir of the indignation after liquidating the young Bolshevik guard. But when it was Dauphine, she tried to put an end to the leader and discoverer. Pablo Iglesias is convinced that with Sumar, without means, without media support, with positions against it, the struggle is impossible and he calculates that the coalition government will be weak and short, and he would return to the ring to fight not only against the right but also against the second coalition government and its traveling companion. He has television and will try to break Sumar and make life more difficult for Pedro Sánchez. He knows that Yolanda wants to destroy him and the revenge is going to be terrible. Their five votes are worth more than those of Sumar's 20 parties, and if they manage to form an independent parliamentary force, they will be the protagonists of the film. They are already threatening not to respect voting discipline if they are not given ministers. But the Council of Ministers is going to reduce the portfolios and if it could it would dispense with those of Podemos, but these are not going to be left.

They know that the only thing Sánchez respects are the votes necessary to rule, and those of Podemos are as indispensable as those of Junts. Relations between the two are at odds. In Podemos they feel mistreated. They know that Yolanda vetoes Irene Montero for any position and also tangles with Ada Colau, who wants to be a minister, and has threatened Podemos with leaving them without electoral subsidy if they do not vote for the candidacy of Pedro Sánchez. Pablo Iglesias has responded by saying that his words reflect an authoritarian frustration between the desire to appear and the impossibility of achieving it. She wants a rod to give firewood and they accuse her of climbing.

As for the Red Lady's attitude towards Irene, they analyze it as an attack of envy because she has more political talent than the leader of Sumar. They also believe that the slogan of the media and the government is: we will support you if you put an end to Podemos. As you will understand, there is no loyalty to be expected from Paul's five vows. They accuse Yolanda of being the New Left of the PSOE and give her the role of Judas Trotsky, replacing Íñigo Errejón. Pablo Echenique recounts the wedding between Pedro and Yolanda as follows: "The old politics is back, the lies are back."

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