Teller Report

Professional Baseball Draft Meeting 2023【16:50~】No. 1 pick, 4 teams announced in advance

10/26/2023, 6:58:16 AM

Highlights: The professional baseball draft meeting will be held on the 26th. Hiroshima, Seibu, Chunichi, and SoftBank have announced their first-place picks in advance. This year, it will be interesting to see which team will acquire the negotiating rights for the pitchers of Toto University Baseball. The team with the lowest ranking in the season will be nominated in order of sepa, and the team will proceed in a "weber method" The order of nomination of Sepa changes every year, with the Central League coming first.

【NHK】The professional baseball draft meeting will be held on the 26th. Until last year, due to the influence of the new corona, 12 teams were held online in separate rooms ...

A professional baseball draft meeting will be held on the 26th. Until last year, due to the influence of the new coronavirus, 12 baseball teams moved into separate rooms and held online, but this year it will be held for the first time in four years with all the people involved gathered in one place and spectators entered.

Four clubs have announced their first-place picks in advance: Hiroshima, Seibu, Chunichi, and SoftBank. This year, it will be interesting to see which team will acquire the negotiating rights for the pitchers of Toto University Baseball, which has many notable high school students, pitcher Yugo Maeda of Osaka Toin High School and good pitchers who are evaluated for their immediate ability.

In addition to the selection of controlled players starting before 4 p.m., we will provide a preliminary report of the draft meeting, including the selection of development players that will be held after that.

table of contents

  • 《Draft Meeting Nomination Flow》

  • ◆ORIX (PA, 1st)

  • ◇Hanshin (1st place)

  • ◆Lotte (PA, 2nd place)

  • ◇Hiroshima (2nd place)

  • ◆SoftBank (3rd)

  • ◇DeNA (S, 3rd)

  • ◆Rakuten (Pa, 4th place)

  • ◇ Giant (4th place)

  • ◆Seibu (PA, 5th)

  • ◇Yakult (5th place)

  • ◆Japan Ham (Pa, 6th)

  • ◇Chunichi (6th place)

Open Table of Contents

table of contents

table of contents

  • 《Draft Meeting Nomination Flow》

  • ◆ORIX (PA, 1st)

  • ◇Hanshin (1st place)

  • ◆Lotte (PA, 2nd place)

  • ◇Hiroshima (2nd place)

  • ◆SoftBank (3rd)

  • ◇DeNA (S, 3rd)

  • ◆Rakuten (Pa, 4th place)

  • ◇ Giant (4th place)

  • ◆Seibu (PA, 5th)

  • ◇Yakult (5th place)

  • ◆Japan Ham (Pa, 6th)

  • ◇Chunichi (6th place)

《Draft Meeting Nomination Flow》

For the first place in the draft, if there are multiple designated players in multiple clubs, a lottery will be held and the team that draws the "lottery" stamped with "Finalize the right to negotiate" will be able to negotiate. Even if the nomination is made after the first draw is removed, if there are multiple teams that overlap, a lottery will be held.

After the second-place selection, the team with the lowest ranking in the season will be nominated in order of sepa, and the team will proceed in a "weber method". The order of nomination of Sepa changes every year, with the Central League coming first, followed by Sepa and then PA alternately from the bottom to the bottom.

For this reason→Japan the second-place nominations are Chunichi Ham→ Yakult→ Seibu → Giants→ Rakuten→ DeNA→ SoftBank→ Hiroshima→ Lotte→ Hanshin→ and Orix.

On the other hand, the third-place nomination is the opposite of the second-place nomination, and the third-place nomination is the opposite of the second-place nomination, and Orix →Hanshin→ Lotte→ Hiroshima→ SoftBank→ DeNA→ Rakuten → Giant→ Seibu→ Yakult→Japan Ham→ Chunichi.

The fourth-place picks are again from the lower-ranked teams, and the fifth-place picks are again from the higher-ranked teams. In principle, no more than 1 players can be nominated by a single club, and 1 players can be nominated by a total of 2 clubs. However, if you nominate a player from a domestic independent league or a foreign professional baseball player, it will not be included in the number of players. Also, if the number of players does not reach 1, the desired team can be nominated as the 2th player and beyond. After that, we move on to nominating development players.

◆ORIX (PA, 1st)

=List of designated players=

◇Hanshin (1st place)

=List of designated players=

◆Lotte (PA, 2nd place)

=List of designated players=

◇Hiroshima (2nd place)

【Advance announcement of 1st place nomination】
TSUNEHIRO Hanato (pitching, right-handed right-handed batter) Oita Maizuru High →Aoyama Gakuin University
= List of designated players =

◆SoftBank (3rd)

【Advance announcement of 1st place nomination】
Natsuki Takeuchi (Pitching, Left-handed Left-handed Hitter) Yawata Minami High School →Kokugakuin University
= List of Designated Players =

◇DeNA (S, 3rd)

=List of designated players=

◆Rakuten (Pa, 4th place)

=List of designated players=

◇ Giant (4th place)

=List of designated players=

◆Seibu (PA, 5th)

【Advance announcement of 1st place nomination】
Natsuki Takeuchi (Pitching, Left-handed Left-handed Hitter) Yawata Minami High School →Kokugakuin University
= List of Designated Players =

◇Yakult (5th place)

=List of designated players=

◆Japan Ham (Pa, 6th)

=List of designated players=

◇Chunichi (6th place)

【Advance announcement of 1st place nomination】
Takaki Dokai (outside, right-handed left-handed hitter) Yokohama High →ENEOS
=List of designated players=