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Karine Le Marchand reacts for the first time to the Stéphane Plaza case: "I have never seen him violent"

10/25/2023, 4:37:07 PM

Highlights: Karine Le Marchand reacts for the first time to the Stéphane Plaza case: "I have never seen him violent" In the columns of " Paris Match", the host of " Love is in the meadow" defends her sidekick, accused of domestic violence by three women. Three of Plaza's former girlfriends have accused him of verbal, psychological and physical violence. The Paris prosecutor's office has decided to open an investigation against him for domestic violence. An internal investigation has also been launched by M6, which is keeping him on air for the time being.

Stéphane Plaza can count on the support of his best friend Karine Le Marchand. In the columns of " Paris Match", the host of " Love is in the meadow defends his sidekick, accused of domestic violence by three women, whose damning testimonies were published in Mediapart.

Solène Delinger 18:29 p.m., October 25, 2023, modified at 18:31 p.m., October 25, 2023

Stéphane Plaza can count on the support of his best friend Karine Le Marchand. In the columns of "Paris Match", the host of "L'amour est dans le pré" defends her sidekick, accused of domestic violence by three women, whose damning testimonies were published in Mediapart.

Stéphane Plaza has been in turmoil since the publication inMediapart of the testimonies of three of his former girlfriends, who accuse him of verbal, psychological and physical violence. While the star host of M6 has formally contested these accusations, the Paris prosecutor's office has decided to open an investigation against him for domestic violence. An internal investigation has also been launched by M6, which is keeping him on air for the time being.

"He says it was an accident"

In an interview with Paris Match on Wednesday, October 25, Karine Le Marchand, a great friend of Stéphane Plaza, reacted for the very first time to this case. She said she contacted the host after the Mediapart investigation was published.

READ ALSO- Biting, humiliation, harassment... Stéphane Plaza accused of violence by former girlfriends

"He explained to me that he had indeed had an argument with Jade (editor's note: victim's name changed) and that it had nothing to do with his other adventures. It was a couple's argument. And it was quite violent," says the M6 host. The real estate agent then described a scene of violence: "According to him, she raised her hands in front of her and he pushed her to leave. He says it was an accident. I wasn't with them at the time, so I don't know what happened."

The presenter of L'amour est dans le pré then defends her friend, saying that he is "borderline, an idiot, a jerk". "But I've never seen him violent, rarely angry. He's more of the type to sulk in his corner," she adds before qualifying her words: "After all, I've never been in a relationship with him, I don't know how he behaves with his mistresses."