Teller Report

Food production is expected to reach new highs Why is it not easy to come by?

10/24/2023, 12:26:39 AM

Highlights: China's grain output is expected to hit a record high again this year, continuing to remain above 1.3 trillion jin. The increase in autumn grain production nationwide is a foregone conclusion. The effect of increasing the yield of major grain and oil crops in large areas has begun to appear. This year, the focus will be on promoting yield improvement in 200 large corn counties and 100 large soybean counties. Experts estimate that the increase in yields in 73 key counties contributes <>% to the bumper grain harvest.

Observation of time and space丨Food output is expected to reach a new high Why is it not easy to come by?

"There is food in hand, and there is no panic in the heart."

On the morning of the 23rd, the State Council Information Office held a press conference, and a relevant responsible person of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs said that at present, the national autumn grain harvest has exceeded <>%, and on the whole, the increase in the country's autumn grain output has become a foregone conclusion. Coupled with the abundant receipt of summer grain, summer oil crops and early rice, China's grain output is expected to hit a record high again this year.

However, China's grain output is expected to reach a new high this year, which can be said to be hard-won. Three questions to explore the breakthrough road to this year's grain harvest:

This year's grain output is expected to hit a new record high, where does the confidence come from?

What difficulties must be overcome to achieve a new record high in grain production?

What is the reason for maintaining more than 9.1 trillion jin for nine consecutive years?

First, where does the confidence come from this year's grain output is expected to hit a new record high?

A set of agricultural production data released by the State Council's new office today: China's grain output is expected to hit a record high again this year, continuing to remain above 1.3 trillion jin. Previously, the output of summer grain was 2922.6 billion jin, the second highest in history. Early rice output was 566.7 billion jin, an increase of 4 million jin, an increase for four consecutive years. The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs said that this year, China's autumn grain area has increased steadily, soybean area has been stable at more than 3 million mu for two consecutive years, soybean corn belt compound planting area of 1 million mu, peanuts, oil sunflower and other oil crops are also showing a stable production trend. The increase in autumn grain production nationwide is a foregone conclusion.

First of all, the increase in grain area this autumn has laid the foundation for increasing production. According to the dispatch of agricultural conditions, it is estimated that the area of grain this autumn will be 13.1 billion mu, an increase of more than 700 million mu over the previous year. Among them, the area of high-yield crop corn has increased more, and it is expected to increase by more than 1300 million mu. Secondly, the effect of increasing the yield of major grain and oil crops in large areas has begun to appear. This year, the focus will be on promoting yield improvement in 200 large corn counties and 100 large soybean counties, selecting and breeding dense-tolerant varieties, supporting high-performance seeders, and precise water and fertilizer regulation, while the central government has allocated 24.<> billion yuan to support the large-scale implementation of autumn grain "one spray and many promotions".

Pan Wenbo, director of the Department of Plantation Management of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs: In these key counties, the density of soybeans will increase by 800 to 1000,30 plants per mu, and the yield per mu can be increased by 50 to 500 kilograms, and the density of corn will increase by 800 to 150 plants, and the yield per mu will increase by 300 to 300 kilograms. Experts estimate that the increase in yields in 73 key counties contributes <>% to the bumper grain harvest, which effectively hedges the impact of disasters such as floods and droughts on food production.

Data show that this year's natural disasters caused a total of 1 million mu of crops to be affected, more than 45.2850 million mu less than the same period last year, and 5 million mu less than the average of the past five years. Most of the main producing areas have harmonious rainwater and sufficient light and heat, which is conducive to the growth and development of crops and the formation of yields. This year's summer grain production decreased by 1.08 billion jin due to the rare "rotten rain" in Huanghuai, and the output of early rice increased by 25 million jin. From the current situation, the increase in autumn grain production can fully achieve "making up for summer with autumn", and the annual grain output is expected to hit a record high again, continuing to remain above 5.4 trillion jin.

2. What difficulties have been overcome to achieve a new record high in grain production?

Zhang Hongyu, member of the Rural Revitalization Expert Committee of the Central Agricultural Office and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, said that this year's bumper grain harvest results were not easy to come by, and we have overcome many difficulties to achieve this achievement. In June this year, bad rain was encountered in Henan, which caused a very unfavorable situation for the wheat harvest in the first time. From a national perspective, three measures have been taken.

First, grab the harvest in time. Through the coordination and cooperation of relevant departments to implement mechanized cross-regional harvesting, all the grain that should be harvested is collected at the first time, and the autumn grain that should be planted cannot be planted.

Second, policy measures. In order to maintain the production enthusiasm of grain farmers, we have adopted a series of effective measures in finance, insurance, price and other aspects, especially agricultural insurance has played a very important role in reducing farmers' losses.

Third, administrative measures. The agricultural and rural departments are effectively dispatched, and the transportation, public security and other departments are coordinated, and there are a series of positive measures in each link. We have overcome the impact of autumn drought, autumn flood and typhoon, reduced losses in the shortest possible time, and given farmers the enthusiasm to increase grain production.

Zhang Hongyu said that the bumper harvest of grain throughout the year is exciting news, and it is also very important to promote the healthy and sustainable development of our economy and society.

Third, it has remained above 9.1 trillion jin for 3 consecutive years What is the reason?

According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, as of October 10, the bulk of autumn grain has been received. Judging from the situation of experts testing production in the field and the actual harvest in various places, on the whole, the increase in autumn grain production in the country has become a foregone conclusion. Coupled with the abundant receipt of summer grain and summer oil crops and early rice, China's grain output is expected to hit a record high again this year, remaining above 22.9 trillion jin for nine consecutive years. Let's also understand the relevant background of China's grain output that has remained above 1.3 trillion jin for many consecutive years.

According to data provided by the National Bureau of Statistics, China's grain output first reached the threshold of 2015.1 trillion jin in 3, and although there have been occasional ups and downs, it has remained above the level of 1.3 trillion jin. Especially since 2018, grain production has continued to grow every year. That is to say, in recent years, the annual grain output has reached a record high, and the Chinese rice bowl has been firmly in our own hands.

Zhang Hongyu, member of the Rural Revitalization Expert Committee of the Central Agricultural Office and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, said that summarizing our experience in seizing a bumper harvest is multifaceted. The central government has a very clear set of instructions and requirements for ensuring national food security.

According to the central decision, first of all, grasp the protection of cultivated land. 18.<> billion mu of arable land as a red line, not an inch can be wasted. Under this premise, we should grasp the construction of high-standard farmland, the transformation of saline-alkali land, the total amount of cultivated land, the output per unit, and the sown area.

Second, grasp the enthusiasm of grain production. Through subsidy policies, price policies, and financial and insurance policies, we maximize the enthusiasm of food production practitioners, so that the income of every farmer who produces food is not lower than the output of other agricultural production.

Third, grasp the responsibility system. In terms of grain production, we have strengthened the requirement of equal responsibility between the party and the government. Not only the main production area is responsible, but also the production and sales balance area, and the main sales area is also responsible. The responsibility system is implemented layer by layer, and the grain sown area, the quantity of cultivated land is protected, the quality of cultivated land is improved, and the output of each piece of land is implemented at every level. It is through the relevant requirements that we have a good harvest basis for this year's grain production.